Saturday, July 7, 2007

Foot Fungus Little Red Circles

I want to take the idea, now brilliantly brought to the attention of Guido Countess to give further confirmation of the veracity of the theory of Gestalt :

" Secnodo a pfrosseore dlel'Unviesrita 'of Cmabrdige not imorpta in which the oridne apapaino letetre a paolra the uinca csoa imnorptate and' that pimra and ulimta letetra Sinai gituso ptosis. The riustlato can 'serbmare mloto cnofsuo noonstatne ttuto and you can' legerge sezna mloti prleobmi. Qesuto dvee is that the ftato mtene uanma not lgege ongi lteter one by one, but in his paolra isineme. "

Mirco Marchetti