Friday, March 21, 2008

Red Tinged Cervical Mucus Pregnant

awareness seminars VIRTUAL

is proposed a " Awareness Seminar " online in date, Saturday, May 31, 2008

The seminar's objective is to discover the various stages of gestation of a Group through the dynamics that are established in it by the relationships between the States participating. The course characterization training in the sense of learning through experience . Everyone learns something if they put in special relationship with others and with the group.

The seminar takes place in a day, with start at 09.30 and end at 20.00. Clearly, the meetings will be interspersed with pauses that will

properly communicated to participants about a week before the meeting.
Each block is still for two hours.

not require special qualifications, and required the use of a personal computer and its connection to the internet then, the mastery of movement in the chat-line.

The fee for each user is 40 € + VAT

To register for the seminar:

1 - sent to Dr.. Mirco Marchetti of the registration fee that formalizes the practice (check, money order, bank account at Banca Marche n.5981-Agent Fermoy, 6055.8 ABI, CAB 68280.7) and sent to the data of the payment dott.Mirco Marchetti , by mail m.marchet @ specifying Name, occupation, age and place of origin.

For further clarification write on the blog or send e-mail address specified above.

Dr. Mirco Marchetti
Viale Kennedy, 15
61033 - Fermoy (PU)


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