Friday, November 28, 2008

Ccs Autoimmune Disease

Nova 24: The Facebook phenomenon

Like this

GENOA - Genoa is still stunned, saddened, is once again a city in shock

beatings on the Diaz school during the G8 summit in 2001. Ruling that acquitted top police officials and sentenced to only two agents and managers, Michelangelo Fournier who called the night of beatings and violence, between 21 and 22 July 0001, "a Mexican butcher" and the former head of the department Mobile Rome, Singers.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Buy Doujinshis Vegeta Bulma

How did it go

There is a spectacular sunset out there, after days and days of water. And today I try to escape at six afternoon from the bottle of barley water where it floats Milan (cited Sunday of deceased). Facebook

Belly Punching Taiwan

God remembers Milan

I do not ever believe me and still does not convince me, but curiosity, my conviction, forcing me to try everything, and, just like that, no. I stuck with us up to his neck, until it came near drowning. are in the acute stage of use. I do not know how long and honestly I feel already the first signs of tiredness and I think that soon will opt for the Facebook-suicide. A few days ago G. (My dearest friend) tells me that he had committed suicide on Facebook. She could not stand. And here he explained his motives: Ari: Hey, but you've gone from feisbuc I just when the fever is taking me. How long? G: ao '! I was writing for almost a year. It sucks and I 'came pero' just recently, before me contained.

G: in what sense?

Ari: that is, what is the disease?
G: Hmmmm let me think
1) news', cute!
2) but hey, there 's also peppuzzo not seen him for 20 years!
3) ah pero 'than friends peppuzzo pussies who could almost write on his wall to let me see
Ari: (LOL)
G: 4) fine the application, there are also those for kennels!
5) before mad
6) second mad
7) third crazy
8) n crazy
9) something I'm not back, but 'cool that I do the cocks of other
10) I DO THE OTHER COCKS! I'm a monster! VIAAAA
G is back to real life, he's fine and is happier than ever.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Doujinshis Vegeta Bulma Fore Sale

From paradise to Facebook and back in 10 moves

I'm here, tuned to Radiopop, waiting for you to know something of the decision process for the G8. Who knows if I'll regret this time to be Italian, more or less for the third time this week (and it's only Thursday!).

Free Dune Buggy Blueprints Free Dune Buggy Plans?

Who knows how it ends

leave for a moment by the nonsense of bald dwarf, the mignottocrazia, caste, the gerontocracy. already know what the foreign press thinks of our beloved country.
But the black list of the defects of Italy, to put it mildly, stretching: according to the Guardian

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Full Weight Sit On Me Gallery

The bastion of indifference Digital Hologram

who follows with a bit of attention to the political talk shows, from Ballarò Annozero in The Infidel Otto e Mezzo you will notice that once you are a guest in a well is connected to Milan : Paolo Mieli. just yesterday I was thinking: it was connected with the study of Floris, he always, always with his little office behind the library, crammed with volumes of History of Art, Cooking and all attachments to the carrier. Mieli never fails, it is a fear of presenteeism.
But this is not what strikes me.
I wonder: why this man did not turn up the ass to go in person venerable guest here and there in various TV studios? If someone had never seen physically present in some broadcast signals to me, please. What problems do you have?

How Do I Fix My Everlast Exercise Bike

Italy Paolo Mieli

A crisis that had never happened before to anyone under 50 years, let's face it. E 'an unmissable event, unprecedented - for us - and we're all here, more or less careful at the least sign of change.
change the values \u200b\u200bof reference: if only six months the average Italian would sell his grandmother for SGAS powerful SUV on the city streets now perhaps beginning to think that the bike you save money and you gain in fitness, to name an example.
Experts on appeal phenomenon "Voluntary

In practice for the first time since the 80's you experience the desire, or perhaps the need to reduce, cut, do not, be limited. Austerity yes, but voluntary. We say we feel less inclined to consumption, for fear, for greater awareness. Volunteer mammaincorriera ): austerity, and there is enough. In beautiful country, and as usual he lives in constant delay with respect to the civilized world, are limited to the first signs. Elsewhere has already passed, unfortunately, the way of fact.
today there is an article on the new language best companies at the time of crisis. Until yesterday to resign saying "Fired!". From today you are "Simplified". Simplified.
more politically correct. Yes, because what has
violent, obscure faults that refers to the dismissal, but simplified , more gentle, persuasive, communicates a sense of helplessness of the dismissal, he, poor fellow, who is forced, due to crisis to simplify the budget, organization chart, to go back to basics

leave out all the obvious comments that could be done on the corporate-capitalist jargon: I live practically immersed to the neck and does not make me any effect, a bit like the beats of the dwarf bald. curious that men's fashion back
back to basics: the news here is that the cast do not take any more. He said yesterday

Republic, bringing the latest trends in British fashion (source Tatler). The cast is dead. Personally I'm glad it is wearable fabric by very few select group of gentlemen (incidentally, where are they?), Those who choose the subtle stripe, possibly in the form and long-limbed. happens instead of the cast you will see it appear on a clumsy and Panzoni Noantri manager, with lines as thick as those in the uniform of a prisoner and the pocket watch sboronissimo (in versions with this vest, bleargh). fashionable aesthetic considerations apart from the cast really is the rampant 'gnorante manager of recent years. If the crisis is to make them disappear, along with the cast, that crisis is. Amen.

Rose Bud Salve For Tattoo?

Simplify yourself: the cast does not

It seems that now the issue of renewal of the ruling class, especially on the left, both on the political agenda. Last night

Gad Lerner
titled his infidel "The Left" (the title of the latest book by Edmondo Berselli), with photos of PD group with donkey ears on his head.
Who was talking about? The same faces of the living room musty radical-chic Lerner, Dominijanni of the Manifesto, which is still asking "if" the Italian company really want a change, "the sociologist pret à porter Bonomi proclaiming the birth of the era of" territorialism " (huh?), ethical ethical. Lerner
What is the perfect example of why in Italy there is a new ruling class. Fortunately, we look at the Infidel in three, and we fall asleep in the middle with glass in hand, and the bubble nose.
Any institution in Italy, is structured along the lines of "living room". The PD is a small lounge (with fireplace, were Bonomi and Dominijanni noted): in politics who has the time, who does not work ergo, ergo those who have their own means of subsistence, not the famous "pieces of civil society", which then would we be, right? Those who know how things really work, economics, management companies, health at school. And it's not just a matter of time, but also relations (oh my God, things are quite interrelated, in hindsight). It makes political co-optation, as you become manager. In the same way. And the more the ruling class sucks the more co-opted will suck. Simple. Handheld. Meanwhile, we are here to talk, analyze, complain, blame to be ashamed of being Italian an asshole and bald dwarf. If the system is locked because someone has put the cap or the sparkling wine because it is outgassing?