Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Internal Error Doujinshi


domestic stations on the tropical bands are endangered. In 10 years do not hear anymore. The states, data in hand, Anker Petersen, known DXeditor the fortnightly electronic DX-Window, the Danish Shortwave Club International. Petersen years is continuously monitoring the portion of short waves between 2300 and 5800 kHz. The study shows that in 1973 the radio home were 1106, whereas now they are active 235. The only country that is resisting and Papua New Guinea were 17 are now 15. In the rest of the world are put to flight by the advance of the medium wave and FM.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can You Get Thrush From Fingering?

The lament of the foreskin (pages 1-156)

I Incipio three days ago, this book by Shalom Auslander (yes, a jew, I love the Jewish writers).
And, as often happens to Jewish writers, is terribly angry with his God
He tells me of his childhood in a Jewish family difficult, kosher very marrow.
A family - and God - from which it seeks by all means to distance themselves, albeit buried under tons of ways of guilt. And so the young Shalom swallowed a cheeseburger and milkshake from McDonald's: the ultimate not kosher. Guilt here is the true protagonist of the novel. At least until page 156.
frankly I expected more fun. In short, I was expecting a novel à la Barney, for instance, and I'm a bit disappointed.

reading situation. In
tram. The lady sitting next to my greenhouse in the hands of her purse Grandma Duck, were to steal it, her handbag. No line in the ears on the Horizon, U2. In the face of a girl with a briefcase, "University of Milan, Form abandonment of studies." Well, spring and another who is preparing for a future as a tissue (or home). In meters. Type in a Hawaiian shirt and notes Magnificent for a moment I pretend to be in the tube in New York. But it's just a moment.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Waxing My Boobies Picyures

Radio Pirate radio from extinction, the book

And 'The second edition of the book dedicated to Andrea Borgnino pirate radio. Here is the press release: The spread

Rock'n'Roll in Europe began in the early sixties on board the ship that housed Radio Caroline , historical pirate broadcaster who first faced the icy waters of the North to send free music and messages of peace. These pages tells of those brave men and DJs who financed and invented the world of pirate broadcasters forever revolutionizing the world of radio in Europe. Today they are still active hundreds of illegal stations that defy the laws of the ether. Behind every radio, the story of conductors who build antennas and transmitters to send signals via radio of freedom, a practice that combines music and communication allowing the birth of new languages.

Title: Pirate Radio. Rock, freedom, transgression and new languages \u200b\u200b radio. The extraordinary business buccaneers ether
Author: Andrea Borgnino - Price: € 14.90 - Editor: Paul Persians Publisher

can be purchased online at IBS.it

or on Hoepli.it

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ambulance For Dialysis

from black to white

Six months of vacation from the blogosphere, chebbello potersele take.
And how nice to replace the color of mourning to that of light.
I was there anyway.
crouching in the bushes of the various social networks. It 'a lot of stuff happened, until you get to the page on Rep today, paid by ordinary citizens who met on FB to claim freedom of the press.
It also happens that line now uses either Rai3 Night Twitter and YouTube.

Ntldr Missing On A Mac

And Back ...

After 6 months ... Not a bad break.