Thursday, November 25, 2010

блог с Ls-models

A Catholic Latin American Congress

29 and November 30 in San Jose (Costa Rica), will be held the Central American Congress of Catholic Radio "Misión Continental, Radio 24 hours," organized by the Department of Communication of the Latin American Episcopal Council (CELAM).

As reported from the Communications Office of CELAM, the meeting is for delegates to communicate the Episcopal Conferences of Central America and Mexico, radio producers, responsible for programming and content and speakers of Catholic stations.

The objective is to "encourage research processes of radio reality Latin America and the Caribbean, its identity and mission in order to unify efforts of integration, content sharing and promotion of Gospel values \u200b\u200bin the Latin American peoples in the light of Aparecida.

The topics to be addressed revolve around identity and mission of the Catholic Radio, Catholic radio reality in Latin America and the Caribbean, by the executive secretary of the Department of Communications CELAM, Father Carlos Arturo Quintero.

During the meeting, a workshop production radio called "Mission: Continental: Radio 24 hours," which offer a pedagogical and comprehensive oriented to produce a radio series of four programs on the Continental Mission, which corresponds to the four regions of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Congress will be the Pastoral House "Maria Ines Teresa Arias, of the Poor Clares.


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