Thursday, February 5, 2009

Big Boobs And High Hells

Unicredit Bank: it was not that we could count on?

Slogan's all.
Unicredit: You can count on! Moving
easy ... It is not her "man Unicredit?
Unicredit's commitment and our signatures ... ..

I was an employee of Unicredit (formerly Credit Italian) for 20 years making them an official. I was part of their network of financial advisors in UnicreditSim. I have a house that is worth three times the loan they gave me.
I requested funding to begin a safe and profitable activities (tobacco and salt), because in Italy there is no work and we can even die over 50 ...
They kept me hanging there for over a month and a half, citing excuses such as "request for clarification" ... the rocks have been overcome (met their initial requests).
Unicredit, has not officially had the "courage" to tell me who gave up funding. It was parried behind the words spoken on the phone from the officer .. which was able to say "sorry" ...

Dear Minister Brunetta, she who is so "careful" to innovation and so "diligent" ... why not put in the pillory comportamentei these banks?
Miserable moneylenders now we also have "saved" from bankruptcy. If they make me ... These big banks ... to disburse money. Is not it their job? They give money only to those who want them, those who have it and then make the filth of subprime, we trimmed them deep down in mutual funds and then they collapse the economy ... Lead us to spend the first to take loans, revolving credit, personal credit ... spend .. spend .. indebitarte the people .. Then, when you really would rebuild the country through the provision of credit to rehabilitate the economy, to sap the entrepreneurs who create jobs and wealth ... Puff! if they make him.

Unicredit Thanks to exist! I do not know how I'd do without you ...
Dear Minister: so, Italy is the end of Titanic.
Greetings! Now I'm headed your ... I emigrated!
Roberto Pino


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