Saturday, May 30, 2009

Can A Tootache Make Ear Hurt?

The fund to support the Guarani-Kaiowá

The situation of today Kaiowá is appalling. Their lands were destroyed, their leaders are killed and their children die of hunger. However, communities do not want money and wealth, and do not aspire to receive food rations from the government. All I ask is only enough land to live and regain control of their lives and their future.

At the launch of the film The land of the red men - Birdwatchers , Survival International has established a special fund in their name. Every euro raised will help Guarani Kaiowá to defend their human rights, to regain their ancestral lands, to restore their gardens.

Help them! The situation is very serious, but their fate is sealed.

Donations can be made online by credit card by filling out the following pages in their entirety.

For other methods of offline payment - bank transfer, bank or postal account -, click here.


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