Monday, May 4, 2009

How Do You Send A Fax From Uk To Malaysia

And if the flu was just a hype?

E 'for some time that I try to understand where is the error, the rip-off ... the story did not convince me, that of the viral epidemic ... masks the door is not hardly anyone here in the state of Quintana Roo .. the dead are not there. And the Mexican holiday on the beaches of the Riviera Maya (Cancun to Tulum, the famous town at the center of Playa del Carmen) in this hellish months there were in abundance and many just from DF (Mexico City Districto Federal). And the masks that were donated to certain countries such as China and Mexico? Never arrived. There are rumors, but in Europe I received from various sources, the doubts about the real potential of the H1N1 virus to become a pandemic ... but rather will be a "diversion" skillfully built by Mexican President Calderon with the United States for the sale of Pemex oil company flag.

Unbelievable? True? False?
The thing that still catches the eye and then my brain then asks, is: why stop international flights only on May 5 and not in red alarm declared by WHO? Why?

News of Pemex transferred does not appear anywhere .. not talk about it officially, as it was obvious. E ', the Senate approved in a hurry to have the bill passed in parliament last October for entry to foreign capital into the airline that is for Mexicans a symbol of democracy and freedom.
The beautiful ... is that now the influence killer, not to start any longer believe.
Read the text of these blogg er and ponder ...

Mexican President Felipe Calderon has now clearly and candidly admitted last week in Los Angeles:

The ability of Mexico to produce oil is declining because our reserves are low. Probably will last only another 9 years .

Mexico has (had) a lot of oil: it is the third country to export oil in the U.S. (after Canada and Venezuela), and 40% of revenue originated in the Mexican state oil.

The cow juice is called Pemex, the national carrier state that extracts crude oil from the Gulf of Mexico. Indeed, it has long been rumored that a depletion of reserves Mexicans, especially Cantarell field which is the third of the world for size.

We are accustomed to seeing the oil countries, especially those with state-owned companies, flatly denying any production difficulties and problems of reservations. Why Mexico is an exception, and announces oil depletion urbi et orbi even to the mouth of its president? I think more than usual mischievous paw of U.S. companies : Calderon has in fact suggested to ask for help with the most advanced extraction technologies, making it possible to make better use of what remains in the wells. Behind this statement apparently soft, our readers is the first step towards the privatization of Pemex and its sale to foreign companies, with the President accomplice. Giving away a symbol of the nation, a true flag of Mexico, and its main source of income is really unthinkable happen for real?
The Mexican government sells off the Pemex

in a building armored and protected by the military, the Mexican Senate approved the "reform" of the oil industry that paves the way for the privatization of the public company Pemex, nationalized seventy years ago with a popular fundraising

On 24 October, the Mexican Senate, barricaded in a tower in 1200 reinforced and protected by federal police in riot session, approved with only 10 votes against the package of seven laws that allow the entry of private capital in Petroleos Mexicanos - Pemex, the historic public oil company in the country. The vote took place miles away from the seat of parliament besieged for days by protesters demanding the resignation of the government energy reform. The
Pemex does not represent only 40 percent of the tax revenue of the country, but part of the collective identity of Mexico. Nationalized by President Lazaro Cardenas in 1938, to redeem the then government launched a kind of popular shareholding asking the population to collaborate with their [few] have pointed to the company. Since then, Pemex has saved the Mexican economy from the brink of bankruptcy several times, and always in the hearts of Mexicans has become one of the foundations on which democracy and independence. The reform launched in recent days put an end to many of the restrictions on foreign invested enterprise, the company provides for a system of operation [no longer subject to the state] and allows for the grant to third parties for the activities of oil fields investigation, extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons. According to the Center for Studies on Public Finance of Mexico, Pemex reform will result in the medium and long term, a vertical drop in federal tax revenues which make inevitable the use of deep cuts in public spending. Right on Pemex and the oil of the Gulf of Mexico had played the fate of the 2006 elections. During the election campaign Felipe Calderon promised to the people and especially to the United States an energy reform that rejuvenate the market and encourage foreign investment to renovate the outdated national oil infrastructure. No mention of the economic burden that the revenue budget of Pemex of Mexico, nor to the risks that the economy would run if he could no longer rely on the profits of oil.
against the reform have moved a number of the opposition, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, but also a popular movement across, numerous, met in the Movement in Defense of Oil. Despite the mounting protests and demonstrations in defense of Pemex and also through a campaign of relentless and biased information in favor of reform, in October, the government decided to close ranks, legitimizing the intervention of the armed forces but to approve the reform in the short term.
During the voting, in the presence of the armed forces, voted for the ruling parties and Pri Pan, the green ecology but also the majority of the opposition party, the Party of the Revolution Demacratica, disregarding the instructions of the leader Lopez Obrador. Even the last fragile barrier interposed by Obrador reform - limiting the possibility of allowing whole blocks to foreign companies for exploration or exploitation activities - has been rejected by parliament. After approval in the Senate came close around the approval of the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, which took place without discussion in the classroom and in less than 5 hours.
For many, the haste with which you are approving the oil industry reform is a clear sign of the will to get the approval of the package of laws from the time the numerous demonstrations convened this week in defense of Pemex. Events, however, widely acknowledged, that threaten to block the country to defend national interests against those, more powerful and intrusive, the foreign oil companies that already knocking at the door.


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