Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Virus Red Spot On Tongue

CW - The history of Morse

The ticking created by a painter to fly over the seas at the entrance of

'telecommunications area, in National Museum of Science and Technology "Leonardo da Vinci of Milan, one of the first set is the telegraph. With the key
Morse, visitors can send its message to a few meters away, in the room that houses telephone exchange networks and transmission systems. "We wanted to show as telegraph and telephone intertwine in the story, "says Massimo Temporelli, curator of the museum's Department of Communication.

Moreover, the telegraph was born on a ship, the one in 1832 reported the painter Samuel Morse - pictured - (1791-1872) in the U.S. after a tour in Europe. "This is where the insight to combine the design with which he had discovered electromagnetism details and phenomena during the trip - says Temporelli -. In fact, with his invention, Morse brings the old world and new, ideally first and then physically with the first telegraph link between the U.S. and Europe in 1866. " The device

that communicates with the famous code of dots and lines soon supplants the previous needle telegraph. In Italy, the debut line is between Livorno and Pisa in 1847. That same year, Morse finally rich thanks to his patent, he buys an estate in Poughkeepsie, in the State of New York, who renamed Locust Grove and is now a house museum that relives the history of the telegraph. In our country the new states in a few years. "And the telegraph network - Temporelli states - will be the first major communications infrastructure that will unite the entire peninsula."

Then, radio waves of Guglielmo Marconi, the telegraph arrives in the ether. The year is 1895. "The its setting - Temporelli ends - begins after the First World War, when the phone becomes a long-distance and widen its scope beyond the boundaries of individual cities. However, a compound of the invention of Morse is the telegram, which is considered a real formal act than speech. "

of James Gambassi ( Future , insert Agora, September 12, 2010)


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