Saturday, November 24, 2007

What Time Is It In Evansville In

Free Courses Workshops (awareness) and Virtual Research Groups

I awareness courses have been moved to Monday night , from 20.30 to 22 , 30. The group of participants shared with the day and time. The location of the meetings is always located in via Castiglione, 2 Urbania. So next meeting will be Monday, 11.26 to 20.30 , though some were interested in participating in it may still be feasible, then please, in the case, get in touch with myself so I can examine the possibility of participation in the on-mentioned Free Courses. Over the next coming matches will be difficult to participate, in any case for any further request for input in the group I reserve the right to determine on a case by case basis.

Please note that the deadline will receive a certificate of attendance.


Mirco Marchetti

Saturday, November 17, 2007

How Much Does It Cost Homemade Racquetball Court

relationships in virtual teams (Di Luca Bacchetta)

The Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC).

There is often a skeptical attitude, especially among operators "psycho-social when it comes to relationships in virtual teams. Who saying that" as a virtual "one can not speak to groups, who argued that, for same reasoning, one can not speak of "relationships." Hopefully, in this way, to avoid the discomfort of confronting one of the frontiers of the human, the border area between man and machine.

In my opinion, to argue, as some do, that you do not have to do with groups "because we do not see" or "because they lack the bodies" is the result of at least two erroneous assumptions that, first, by lowering the group concept to the "group face to face and the other involving the removal of a significant part of the studies of social psychology of the '50s (think the experiments on the structure of communication Leavitt just using a machine that does not allow direct communication between participants) (Brown, 1990, pp.105-106)

retrace If, \u200b\u200bhowever, the most common definitions of the term "group" (Brown, 1990, pp.) you can not deny that " virtual teams "are such that, when they present certain minimum characteristics: participants are recognized as members of the same group and this feature is recognized by a third party" outside ".

Studies on the characteristics of "virtual teams" and the communications and relationships that occur in them, have become increasingly numerous since the mid-80s when the distance communication, both in educational production becomes increasingly important.

Mantovani (1995) shows the view of Sproull and Kiesler who have argued about the poverty of information about the situations in this interpersonal relationships in CMC and criticizes the view "that identifies the social context of interpersonal relationships with the whole" Dealing with subsequent processing, particularly Spearls and Lea to argue that the social relations but not in symbolization processes (self, other, situation, etc.).. Explicit references in this reading relies are social identity theory of Tajfel and that the categorization of the self Turner.

The two lines above (represented on one side by Sproul and Kiesler, and the other by Spearls Lea) are the main poles in the debate on the characteristics of CMC, in fact reproduce the historical difference in the reading group phenomena between the readings interactionist and the "group" derived from Lewin.

Since then multiply the analysis and research on the characteristics of "virtual teams" analysis which took into account the structure of communication, the influence of roles and status, decision-making. Were investigated, in particular, aspects such as strategies of approach, the multiple identities, the change of gender, romantic relationships, anonymity, leadership, participation, gender difference, the deindividualizzazione, etc.. The main authors of reference are still those who are employed in the 50-70 years group and community.

The methodologies used to refer mainly sociological and anthropological approaches, with a prevalence of 'observation' more or less participant.

E 'remained in the background, probably for the lowest interest (or more difficult), research on the development of affective processes in virtual groups.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Is A Zopiclone Overdose Fatal

psychosocial nursing homes and management of certain issues (1) Gestalt

I, with this action, bring to the attention some issues that often need to be addressed when you are managing a Nursing Home or Hospice.
outset, it should be noted that this type of structure, to be considered "last resort" to which land, they must still pay attention and listen to the call for help from a whole family context. Such compliance and, therefore, to address solutions for each case above, exist in the first of several Evaluation Unit District (UVD) which, in an atmosphere of collegiality (as it should be, but the conditional m'รจ always a must) agree to such facilities or services (home care, day care centers, homes Rest, safe houses, apartment hotels, RSA, et cetera), direct the person in order to receive a service more responsive to special needs that the case presents.

Once established, the bodies responsible for assessment and mentioned that the best service to be offered for that single case is, precisely, the rest home, the hotel takes care to accommodate due to the professionalism, both the person, the whole family context, because the design of the facility to which it refers to a structure vocations and social care, the obligations that it must fulfill in order to provide optimum service are directed to a relational capacity and management human relationships as well as to the minimum allowed, and guarantees that the type of structure is required to provide, I am referring in this case, services that address the side of sanitation.

coordinating, in a residential facility for the elderly, a project that aims to promote the PAI (Plan individualized tutoring) , often I find myself involved in situations of extreme criticality that, while it showed an issue of character management on the other hand it should be noted that the same type of problem often does not coincide with the actual needs that the elderly actually expresses.

aimless wandering

Perfectly due in a context of dementia , the aimless wandering becomes a host for the old mode of behavior that often throws in discomfort even people who gravitate around the same old. In practice, the person, as well suggests the term of behavioral distress, it moves all over the place without a specific purpose and often in a frantic, moving objects and, perhaps placing them in places without a purpose easy to understand. E 'at this point that often take, in my opinion too easily measures of restraint, often the elderly is in fact tied to a chair, and as even more rarely accept that condition and order began to scream, your doctor prescribes a drug more easily sedative that has the sole purpose of making the person almost in a state vegetable but, nevertheless, will not complain anymore. Now, as the restraint and medication, do not go to meet the needs of people as those who are around them, from medical and nursing staff assisting the Project Individual (PAI ) is shown in these cases, especially appointed place in which the right measures to be taken considering the problem from different angles as participating in the Plan (the doctor, nurse, social worker, the tutor assistant, responsibilities included the hotel and a family). There, and only in that place behind a multidimensional assessment of the person, appropriate measures should be taken to chance. Unfortunately very few facilities that I know, practices are held directed to do so, it is always the prevailing logic of job descriptions and decision-making power is placed, as appropriate, only partial in the hands of doctors or nurse or the manager. If on-mentioned I think is understandable that, for one more reason you should operate in a climate that takes the highest degree of collegiality.

Mirco Marchetti

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Foot Fungus Little Red Circles

I want to take the idea, now brilliantly brought to the attention of Guido Countess to give further confirmation of the veracity of the theory of Gestalt :

" Secnodo a pfrosseore dlel'Unviesrita 'of Cmabrdige not imorpta in which the oridne apapaino letetre a paolra the uinca csoa imnorptate and' that pimra and ulimta letetra Sinai gituso ptosis. The riustlato can 'serbmare mloto cnofsuo noonstatne ttuto and you can' legerge sezna mloti prleobmi. Qesuto dvee is that the ftato mtene uanma not lgege ongi lteter one by one, but in his paolra isineme. "

Mirco Marchetti

Monday, June 4, 2007

Does Rutgers Accept Rush Scores

Talking is good

stories emerge of people like poppies in a wheat field, individual dots may interrupt the dazzling golden objectivity. Similarly, and perhaps even more The company is underpinned by individual walks of life who break the forms of categorization and the general.
There is a well-defined social category, that of the elderly, sometimes if we are talking about an older person we tend to put our attention on that feature, according to the stereotype, prejudice, or as defined by Erving Goffman, stigma, must distinguish the category of old, namely "loss" : physical strength, mental energy, financial resources, emotional and sexual relationships, social role. But because the older we all look the same? Perhaps, on reflection, we can say that we adults tended to place them in a category categorize because it is a process that allows us to cope with new situations with a slight expenditure of psychic energy, so it is convenient to add a person and / or situation connected to it in the category known, the old .
We might try another location! (?)
Discover the subjective dimension of the life stories of older people from the stories. Telling and tell is full of implications for the person, the story helps your identity, the constant coming and going, past and present, of thoughts helps the elderly person to be represented as a specific unit, consistent, unique, despite the biological changes, psychological and social.
course, in some cases there must be a person willing to listen and prepared to meet the demands and needs of the person in front of him, to establish an interpersonal relationship based on empathy, authenticity and spontaneity, to transmit confidence in the elderly partner with an active and a non-judgmental attitude, thus creating a climate of freedom in the use of verbal and nonverbal communication, but in many cases each of us has the potential to raise feelings, emotions and experiences that make up the budget of a whole life lived by the old grandfather, father, uncle, or unknown old met on the street.
"Talking is good, if we were talking with the elders know and maybe we could understand that there are monsters, not the negative reflection of what we are, but there will only appear as a single poppy in a cornfield ...

Massimo Tumini

Monday, May 28, 2007

Toggle Loaded Cheats Gpsphone Smaragd

advocacy groups

Please note that, upon evaluation, was approved and funded by the CSV-Marche (Marche Volunteer Service Center), the training proposal "advocacy groups" . The draft, drawn up by myself, has Promoter Association AVULSS NUCLEUS OF THE HIGH METAURO of Urbania.

The course is of course free and is open to all and especially to those who are entering the world of volunteering and also by supporters or those who already belong to it.

main reasons of course :

In post-industrial society, fragmented and discontinuous, it significantly expands the horizons of the possible and, while this issue offers new opportunities, it also threatens to cause anxiety due to a hyper stimulation for the lowest foreclosure on choices to be made. This shows that, especially nowadays, people should equip themselves with new skills that can be used in a context that reveals entirely new. In the workplace, for example, but also in the voluntary, is increasingly urgent demand to develop in individuals, allowing capacity to be able to work in groups, to cooperate to achieve shared goals and, therefore, be have specific skills to participate.

Some objectives to be ragging:

1) Increased awareness of their abilities and limits.
2) Facilitating the training of skills through experience.
3) greater accountability in the management of specific situations
4) Increase skills to address specific issues quotas.
5) Exaltation of the inter-individuality.
6) Increased awareness of the issues put in place.
7) Encourage the active involvement of everyone.
8) The ability of individuals to manage conflict situations

The course will consist of 24 hours laboratory (labor = work) to be defined in time, evening or early evening, divided into modules of 2 hours each (ie 18-20 or 21-23). Followed by further 3 hours in which the / group will reflect on the work and the difficulties encountered in performing the tasks.

dates are yet to be determined.

For more information or to If you are interested in participating, contact

teacher of the course:

Mirco Marchetti
cell. 3389021652 e-mail: @ m.marchet

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Wedding And Funny Comments To Say

contexts 'Use of Animation Professional Groups

Animation offers its tools in several contexts and work professionally in all situations that show a express discomfort or a need, working with the aim of obtaining a state of employing the resources that this type of use has also in a latent or unexpressed, but lying in power. The first step must therefore be addressed as listening, Rogers, we are convinced that you know something more about us. So "to express" , for the soul reaches out to "to do" , nell'accezione means in which to express squeeze out, and groped the user needs to give satisfaction. The well-being research that the soul is a growth-oriented welfare , group or personal, in ' offer additional opportunities that could lay the groundwork to provide the opportunity for change . The change is therefore one of the first goals that the animation is pursuing; transition from one state to another of dissatisfaction for greater prosperity is what the user calls in general and what the soul trying to do. In this, the Entertainment Industry "in the form of paid work, according to a scientific method" (G. Contessa - and soul. CSE). The initiatives are aimed primarily at individuals, groups, organizations and communities . Personally, I deal with "advocacy groups" self-help groups (AMA) Working Groups, with particular attention to development and conflict management, I work in nursing homes Animation by reference in the latter appropriate methodologies and tools such as "The Musical entertainment, stheineriano approach to color and psychomotor group dynamics, in addition to the constant reference in policy approaches to the relationship and communication with people in old age and in a state of disorientation space / time, to Naomi Feil's Validation Method . But a good animator

must also know how to design, create connections and synergies . Must, in practice, how to light a fire that will give the energy that the audience can come to pass from one state to another in the same way for passing water from a liquid to a gaseous state, it is the Addition of the right energy capable of breaking the old ties between the molecules passing after a period of chaos to another physical state.

methods of intervention: The cultures of work for projects . The identification of different
intervention contexts, their characteristics and internal and external relations (group, groups, communities
, territorial district, territory, city). The observation and analysis of needs and resources.

You can think of animation as an intervention in
territory, in order to facilitate the processes of growth of the capacity of individuals and groups to participate in and manage the social reality in which
live, using, besides the action in the territory, the use of the psychosocial
time to promote the expressive power of people.

Animation therefore plays its activities in respect of
people of different ages, through the formulation and implementation of animation project
characterized by intentionality and continuity, to promote and contribute to the full potential
personal growth and social inclusion and participation, acting for the pursuit of these objectives
on interpersonal relations, group dynamics, the family system,
on the environment and the organization of services in the social field.

The various functions of the soul are therefore:

1. prevention function of the forms of distress, deviance and social marginalization, in situations
"at risk". 1.1. acquisition of appropriate knowledge on the phenomena and conditions that can lead to situations of distress
also contributing to the formulation of risk maps; 1.2.
establishing and maintaining adequate relationships with groups, aggregates, communities, through
contacts and group 1.3. promotion of resources and activities
to prevent situations of risk, highlighting positive role models.
2. strengthening functions of the personality, leading in the individual
positive attitudes towards life, towards others by increasing the security level of the SE ', and encourages them to seek to acquire
a role. 2.1. implementation of interventions soul,
individual and group level, and stimulus for personal growth, autonomy and individual and social responsibility
; 2.2. planning and organization of the various phases of community life
and group activities, in relationship to the family, school, services, institutions, in relation to issues identified
3. function enabled and aimed at improving education, express, make operating the
potential of the person, in cases of mental and physical disabilities and where necessary rebuild
relationships and life goals.

Mirco Marchetti

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Usually the 'animator professional has to operate in situations group or small groups.
Within each Group will pursue the issue to the attention of Communication , nell'accezione where they can communicate meaning " pool." This inevitably involves the differences within each group, as not all are able to communicate in the same way and I think this is understandable to everyone. In each group there are people quiet, while others are talkative and leaves no room for quiet and shy people, and between these two conditions there will be other intermediate and characterized by different shades. It should be added that each group is characterized as a group and its uniqueness is a particular scope for individuals who take part, so that, if such leave a particular component of that group, we observe that sometimes a member ever since Dumbledore starts to become more talkative, by this account of the fact that a group can have representation as " field of forces" that are aligned or wrestle one another. E 'then create a task of the situation, a "climate " to allow everyone to be able to express themselves. 'S attention Animator will then ensure that:

• It may facilitate the spread of knowledge among group members
• They are all encouraged to take
• There are "public meetings"
• Pay attention to who wishes to speak
• It will avoid value judgments on the content expressed both by himself and by other participants
• Pay attention to the impediments arising proper interpersonal communication.

If everyone listened to hear you feel so right to belong to that collective, therefore, feel that way and your will feel even more motivated to participate . The motivation to participate in a group, and the degree of satisfaction to belong and the number of defections in the course are also tools for reflection that the soul can not be disregarded. Can
that happen within a group would be created on aggression situations or tension among the participants ( conflict).

Such a situation can occur for many and varied reasons. What is important to know is that the consequence of such events is the striking members of the group of participants in the uncomfortable feelings such as fear, anxiety, restlessness.

Possible solutions are: •

to calmly discuss the different points of view, listening and understanding by inviting
• do. exercise of "exchange of shares " so each the two parties, supporting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe adversary, he deepens his understanding of the views which he opposes
analyze the conflict as a source of change and energy resources useful to the growth of the group.

Mirco Marchetti

How Much Do You Get For Tdi In Ri

lively entertainment and professional

is a lively ' Association of intangible and wellness professionals dealing in a professional Animation.
We see then what do we mean by the term Animation as often bizarre and misleading connotations.

L ' Animation is a practice partner addressed to the "awareness and development of potential restrained, removed or present, of individuals, small groups and communities" (G. Contessa). In this, the soul becomes a facilitator , a professional that is accompanying an individual, a group of people or a small community to evolve, by making a change that goes to a situation perceived as insecure or uncomfortable Verio is your own, for a state of being. According to Margaret Sberna, the soul must "pull out" of the people in them already, but that was suppressed or humiliated by a series of external pressures from which it is now difficult to get out on their own. In this he is also defined as a facilitator.
The Animator should never supplant the other, but must be able to bring to consciousness in the individual or group, what the individual or group can not pull yourself out. This is a game between the parties, a game in which subject and object (Animator and User) interpenetrate and-take with each other . For "uncertainty principle" , when the observer observes the field, while in the act of watching, it makes a change from the field and is itself changed. It 's a bit this what happens when the physical light, so that they can observe, with a beam of photons of light.
The Practice of Research-Action says a little 'this when you go to when it serves to point out that when I act and research. Under this

Margaret Sberna says about the figure of the Soul: "There must be filled with people as its contents were empty. He must always remember that the relationship with others enriches both parties. So if it is true that with his work, he helps others to rediscover and fulfill their potential, it is equally true that his maturity and personal growth are continuously enriched by constant contact with individuals who bring a self-contained in their knowledge, experiences, feelings worthy of respect and consideration. "
So then the animator, the following qualities:" ... the facilitator must have the three stages of knowledge (knowledge, information, etc..) know how (own technical capacity to act and make plans / projects), be able to (ability to achieve in his own personal life what he knows and he knows do). "(M. Sberna)

Mirco Marchetti
sociologist and freelance animator