Sunday, May 27, 2007

Wedding And Funny Comments To Say

contexts 'Use of Animation Professional Groups

Animation offers its tools in several contexts and work professionally in all situations that show a express discomfort or a need, working with the aim of obtaining a state of employing the resources that this type of use has also in a latent or unexpressed, but lying in power. The first step must therefore be addressed as listening, Rogers, we are convinced that you know something more about us. So "to express" , for the soul reaches out to "to do" , nell'accezione means in which to express squeeze out, and groped the user needs to give satisfaction. The well-being research that the soul is a growth-oriented welfare , group or personal, in ' offer additional opportunities that could lay the groundwork to provide the opportunity for change . The change is therefore one of the first goals that the animation is pursuing; transition from one state to another of dissatisfaction for greater prosperity is what the user calls in general and what the soul trying to do. In this, the Entertainment Industry "in the form of paid work, according to a scientific method" (G. Contessa - and soul. CSE). The initiatives are aimed primarily at individuals, groups, organizations and communities . Personally, I deal with "advocacy groups" self-help groups (AMA) Working Groups, with particular attention to development and conflict management, I work in nursing homes Animation by reference in the latter appropriate methodologies and tools such as "The Musical entertainment, stheineriano approach to color and psychomotor group dynamics, in addition to the constant reference in policy approaches to the relationship and communication with people in old age and in a state of disorientation space / time, to Naomi Feil's Validation Method . But a good animator

must also know how to design, create connections and synergies . Must, in practice, how to light a fire that will give the energy that the audience can come to pass from one state to another in the same way for passing water from a liquid to a gaseous state, it is the Addition of the right energy capable of breaking the old ties between the molecules passing after a period of chaos to another physical state.

methods of intervention: The cultures of work for projects . The identification of different
intervention contexts, their characteristics and internal and external relations (group, groups, communities
, territorial district, territory, city). The observation and analysis of needs and resources.

You can think of animation as an intervention in
territory, in order to facilitate the processes of growth of the capacity of individuals and groups to participate in and manage the social reality in which
live, using, besides the action in the territory, the use of the psychosocial
time to promote the expressive power of people.

Animation therefore plays its activities in respect of
people of different ages, through the formulation and implementation of animation project
characterized by intentionality and continuity, to promote and contribute to the full potential
personal growth and social inclusion and participation, acting for the pursuit of these objectives
on interpersonal relations, group dynamics, the family system,
on the environment and the organization of services in the social field.

The various functions of the soul are therefore:

1. prevention function of the forms of distress, deviance and social marginalization, in situations
"at risk". 1.1. acquisition of appropriate knowledge on the phenomena and conditions that can lead to situations of distress
also contributing to the formulation of risk maps; 1.2.
establishing and maintaining adequate relationships with groups, aggregates, communities, through
contacts and group 1.3. promotion of resources and activities
to prevent situations of risk, highlighting positive role models.
2. strengthening functions of the personality, leading in the individual
positive attitudes towards life, towards others by increasing the security level of the SE ', and encourages them to seek to acquire
a role. 2.1. implementation of interventions soul,
individual and group level, and stimulus for personal growth, autonomy and individual and social responsibility
; 2.2. planning and organization of the various phases of community life
and group activities, in relationship to the family, school, services, institutions, in relation to issues identified
3. function enabled and aimed at improving education, express, make operating the
potential of the person, in cases of mental and physical disabilities and where necessary rebuild
relationships and life goals.

Mirco Marchetti


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