Saturday, May 26, 2007


Usually the 'animator professional has to operate in situations group or small groups.
Within each Group will pursue the issue to the attention of Communication , nell'accezione where they can communicate meaning " pool." This inevitably involves the differences within each group, as not all are able to communicate in the same way and I think this is understandable to everyone. In each group there are people quiet, while others are talkative and leaves no room for quiet and shy people, and between these two conditions there will be other intermediate and characterized by different shades. It should be added that each group is characterized as a group and its uniqueness is a particular scope for individuals who take part, so that, if such leave a particular component of that group, we observe that sometimes a member ever since Dumbledore starts to become more talkative, by this account of the fact that a group can have representation as " field of forces" that are aligned or wrestle one another. E 'then create a task of the situation, a "climate " to allow everyone to be able to express themselves. 'S attention Animator will then ensure that:

• It may facilitate the spread of knowledge among group members
• They are all encouraged to take
• There are "public meetings"
• Pay attention to who wishes to speak
• It will avoid value judgments on the content expressed both by himself and by other participants
• Pay attention to the impediments arising proper interpersonal communication.

If everyone listened to hear you feel so right to belong to that collective, therefore, feel that way and your will feel even more motivated to participate . The motivation to participate in a group, and the degree of satisfaction to belong and the number of defections in the course are also tools for reflection that the soul can not be disregarded. Can
that happen within a group would be created on aggression situations or tension among the participants ( conflict).

Such a situation can occur for many and varied reasons. What is important to know is that the consequence of such events is the striking members of the group of participants in the uncomfortable feelings such as fear, anxiety, restlessness.

Possible solutions are: •

to calmly discuss the different points of view, listening and understanding by inviting
• do. exercise of "exchange of shares " so each the two parties, supporting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe adversary, he deepens his understanding of the views which he opposes
analyze the conflict as a source of change and energy resources useful to the growth of the group.

Mirco Marchetti


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