Saturday, May 26, 2007

How Much Do You Get For Tdi In Ri

lively entertainment and professional

is a lively ' Association of intangible and wellness professionals dealing in a professional Animation.
We see then what do we mean by the term Animation as often bizarre and misleading connotations.

L ' Animation is a practice partner addressed to the "awareness and development of potential restrained, removed or present, of individuals, small groups and communities" (G. Contessa). In this, the soul becomes a facilitator , a professional that is accompanying an individual, a group of people or a small community to evolve, by making a change that goes to a situation perceived as insecure or uncomfortable Verio is your own, for a state of being. According to Margaret Sberna, the soul must "pull out" of the people in them already, but that was suppressed or humiliated by a series of external pressures from which it is now difficult to get out on their own. In this he is also defined as a facilitator.
The Animator should never supplant the other, but must be able to bring to consciousness in the individual or group, what the individual or group can not pull yourself out. This is a game between the parties, a game in which subject and object (Animator and User) interpenetrate and-take with each other . For "uncertainty principle" , when the observer observes the field, while in the act of watching, it makes a change from the field and is itself changed. It 's a bit this what happens when the physical light, so that they can observe, with a beam of photons of light.
The Practice of Research-Action says a little 'this when you go to when it serves to point out that when I act and research. Under this

Margaret Sberna says about the figure of the Soul: "There must be filled with people as its contents were empty. He must always remember that the relationship with others enriches both parties. So if it is true that with his work, he helps others to rediscover and fulfill their potential, it is equally true that his maturity and personal growth are continuously enriched by constant contact with individuals who bring a self-contained in their knowledge, experiences, feelings worthy of respect and consideration. "
So then the animator, the following qualities:" ... the facilitator must have the three stages of knowledge (knowledge, information, etc..) know how (own technical capacity to act and make plans / projects), be able to (ability to achieve in his own personal life what he knows and he knows do). "(M. Sberna)

Mirco Marchetti
sociologist and freelance animator


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