Wednesday, December 31, 2008

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This year, 2008, will close tonight with a bonfire. What
satisfaction, to burn an unspeakable leather jacket, sweater, pants, aahh, the last remnants of the past which I fortunately shaken, and forever. And look what happiness
through the fire and see how beautiful I have now, and what awaits me.
Once again, thanks to me and who really loves me.

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2008: A leap year to forget ...

Dear friends, dear readers.
I arrived at the end of this year's stormy as they say ... with patched ass. A beautiful pharyngitis that I already cut off from home and barely I will survive the toast of midnight.
The global crisis started by subprime world upset me life, as I also think many of you, taking away my life to work. In fact, my "two" professions because they are both real estate agent broker credit ... Do not you sell a house to die and the calculator that I need (the few that I can steal from competing banks ...) are impossible to deliver.
People now no more money and those who have not make them turn. LCE homes are not sold here but not abroad. Or at least it is increasingly difficult to do so. The total void of activity in my dual profession has led me to look outside of Italy (see Post the first article on and specifically in Mexico, where the prospects of being able to change his life and work, earn a decent living and even better, thanks to a favorable exchange rate to the euro (once retired) had given me oxygen and my mind was whipped for several months. I organized the trip and we left. The idea was to manage a Bed & Breakfast. Simple, no?
The subprime crisis has brought down the stock exchange. The recession is rash all over the Western world also involving Mexico. How? Certainly not for the debts of Mexicans who do not. They pay all cash! But through the sale of houses by Americans. Their contribution to tourism has failed and the houses are empty in the Costa Maya. The offer now exceeds demand by inverting all our plans.
Besides the fact that the houses are not sold in Italy and then ... here we are.
But the story of 2008 ended even worse. Find a job in Italy is already difficult time. But in Ravenna, a town of the province ... I would say impossible. In addition to this, is true also that my 52 years do not help, despite an excellent track record behind.
I do not know how many job applications I have done from October to now but I think a hundred. The answer: zero. Indeed .. no! There was a "Head Hunter" (headhunter simply in Italian) that is one of those pseudo recruitment agencies in Cesena (does not reveal the name, but they deserve it) who called me one day and asked me to do an interview because it sought highly qualified staff! I, unaware of the fate that awaited me and their behavior, I went, I believed and I also did four interviews with the company that was looking for a month and a half (time wasted). All good .. seemed. I have also made the economic proposal! (I would say very good)
"Accept our terms Mr. Pino? " said the head of human resources of this company Forlì.
" agree" and a strong close hand was my final answer.
" See you next week and put pen to paper to sign? " he repeated them.
And I answered in the affirmative.
End of story? But that taking the piss ! (sorry but we needed!) After two weeks reminds me and tells me that "there is a crisis know ... ... we decided that we do not do anything. And then, we have no one to support him. .. .. .. maybe discuss this issue again in 3 months ... 4 .... Go well on its way ... "But what" road "! on the A14 to beat?! The Promotrade was made to deny teklefono and by email, after three days he asked me sorry ... not contacted me! But at least have the courage and intelligence not to abuse the human personnel that handle! but go to give away the cul!

This is Italy today! (Maybe I should limit myself to the Romagna ...)
A Country of Poets?
of Heroes?
travelers? is perhaps travelers .. because the best migrate to seek work.
I ribbattezzerei a country of fraudsters, the quaquaraquà, petty, cowardly and pimps, of conquerors, exploiters and extortionists!
But where is the honest people? and the one that has a word? a handshake today means that you have already screwed!
Our youth today do not have the most ideal, no morals ... and do not even know what respect. The fault is ours .. and De Filippi! (look at how disgusting the controversy and give the answers that the pupils of the "Friends" with their teachers!)

And to find a job? Poor our youth! poor but also those over 40 in then-because they already had 35 years old to six companies. " Let's get more in the "fixed" (but we have to live life to precarious?) with the sword of Damocles in a year of having to start again ... and let's also the fact that industries are closing down or not to leave home for the staff ... Weather Forecast for 1,000,000 job (fisso!) jumping ... the case of ' Alitalia ... and yet we are fortunate that we have not had a case as " Lehman Bros' ... to mention just the latest ...

What prospects do we have? Those out on his own, if you have the money and risk if things do not go if the economy does not "pull" also calls the savings!. To us "over 50" does not take any more. Despite the fine words spoken to me as " you are a rare breed of horse " or "we like because it is versatile " (believe it! 7 I had to change jobs in the last 10 years!) I have no other opportunities go to "beat on the Adriatic" or trying to put up a shop or a few businesses. The trader, in other words .. because the carpenter did it disappear now.
But here's the icing on the cake: banks, guilty of defrauding the people putting titles rotten everywhere sucked through the throat and the blood of Italians ... have now "fear " to extend credit. Fear of being left without cash! And we must also "help" not to fail .. otherwise ensure that the overall economy collapses. And we must thank the Almighty if you do not fail and continue to suck money ... and not to accompany our funding requests.
requests at this time are my survival, we, of this country!

Mah! I do not know what to say.
We only hope that as in 2008 (at least mine) there are not more that 2009 ... at this point .. is not worse!

Roberto Pino

Monday, December 29, 2008

Confirmation Letter Work

Coop Adriatica address the crisis

Coop Italia A new governance for
Coop Italy (the
consortium purchasing and marketing of consumer cooperatives).
debut with the vote of the shareholders of the dual system that separates the representatives of the property (the members) from management (the manager). From
Ernesto Rive, 48, Turin, Novacoop president, named president of the new Council direction and supervision
(composed of the chairmen of the main consumer cooperatives,), Vincenzo Tassinari, 59, Emilia, current president of the board of
Coop Italy, appointed Chairman of the Management Committee
composed of top management.

read the article

Sunday, December 28, 2008

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The places where I lived: New York

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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

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earthquake in northern Italy


earthquake in northern Italy
There are no injuries and serious damage

December 23, 2008

An earthquake was felt in some regions of Northern Italy around 16.25. The epicenter, according to the tools of ' National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology and as communicated by the Civil Defence was located between the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Parma, in the municipalities of peaks, Canossa (Re), Neviano degli Arduini (Pr) and Traversetolo (Pa). The quake was of magnitude 5.2 degrees, while the second United States Geological Survey (USGS), the magnitude of the quake was 5.3. Civil protection Parma would consider whether the earthquake caused injuries and damage. So are firefighters, but for now there are reports to that effect. According to witnesses interviewed by , there were no injuries or damage in specific cities around the epicenter.

"I do not there is absolutely no substantial damage: fell some rubble, audits do well, but the data so far are encouraging us," says the mayor of Traversetolo, Alberto Pazzon interviewed by SkyTg24. "I'm collecting data with the firemen and the policemen: there was however no calls nor the 118 admissions, life resumed normally after 15 seconds is certainly not pleasant. We thought it was passing a truck, "he said.

The centers of the firefighters say they have received so many of the calls, but requests for information. A Lecco and Como people took to the streets in Parma, where the tremors were felt very strongly, some phones are isolated. Problems in particular stand out for the mobile devices. For its part, the deputy mayor of Milan Riccardo De Corato said that at present there were no damages to either persons or property.

The President of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), Enzo Boschi, says that "it is highly probable that in the next hours may be further aftershocks, but of lesser intensity. " The affected area, said the expert, is "a seismic risk zone medium-low and we are currently evaluating the event. In this area occur periodically earthquakes of this magnitude - he added - which however are not classified as particularly violent events. " Thus, a reassurance: " Any well-constructed building - said Woods - quietly holding a shock of this intensity . There were no

, currently injured, officials from the Department of Civil Protection , even critical and serious seismic event in the affected areas. At the headquarters of the Civil Protection Department has met the ' crisis unit headed by Guido Bertolaso \u200b\u200bsottosegretraio which is in close contact with the prefectures of Reggio Emilia and Parma and the Emilia Romagna. He is completing a seismic event monitoring to affected areas.

Railways lets you know that was reactivated shortly after 17, the rail traffic on the lines Bologna-Verona, Bologna and Padua Milan-Piacenza , interrupted for about 20 minutes to allow engineers to Rfi verify the integrity of railway though, because of its magnitude, the earthquake could not produce, in theory, any effect on `network efficiency. The results of the tests were negative, so the trains have resumed travel. Lombardy airports run regularly, as well as the Milan subway lines and trains of the Northern Railway.

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Monday, December 22, 2008

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Companies to angry Intellectual

In congeries (Mado, were ages since I used is the word) by year-end rankings, from Fortune to that of Newsweek (today), the beloved Sole24h to ethical ethical, here are the final standings , that beautiful raw, fun, hands-Noantri true because the Internet is that of primordial soup, the now famous "2008 Companies to Angry for .
Coming soon, of course.
If you want to have fun with that last year, won by (guess?) By Telecom Italy go here.

Myalgia And Arthralgia

For who?

I'm really happy with the gifts that I am receiving.
Books. Only books. Indeed not. Even a DVD-book.
This is from "The voice of Pasolini .
Yesterday I started to look at him, then stopped. But I seem to have a pearl.
The second gifts, in order of arrival, is " The political mind. The role of motions in destiny of a nation. "

An essay on the relationship between politics, language and emotions.
"In politics, when reason and emotion collide, emotion invariably has to come out victorious. "
I will read it during the Christmas holidays.
Yes, I'm really satisfied.
I nevertheless arises a question (yes, we are never happy). Excuse me, but inspired all this intellectualism? It oozes from the pores? My friends always give things super-committed ergo ...? Maybe it's time I spend on some reading or some flaky business at high skill. I know, I read the jokes Totti, for starters. And a good time to learn the sudoku (sudoko not offend the black belt, for heaven's sake). The truth
is that they are too heavy, although I always feel too light.
But how do I stop? Can not believe, and who loves me he understood.
But what I'd like a nice gift for once disengaged.
For those listening: the biography of regalatemi Cassano, Daje!

How To Make Self Voice Sweet

Oh! I swear I'll stop

The beauty of having a blog is deserting.
The premise of my blog - this - is laziness. I had said.
And this is the umpteenth time I feel the need to justify, however, to myself, my laziness, my absence, my chronic lack of will.
But, as I write, I realize that this need is stupid. One of two things: either I promise to be diligent and constant (even by those who know how to take a leaf) or not and in the latter case, the tears to complain and / or justify a regular basis.

Friday, December 19, 2008

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

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I swear I'll stop after this post.
will follow the orders of His Nanita Silvio and I'll turn in less than no time in an incurable optimist.
That effort, however. Who can be optimistic sti times deserves a kiss on the forehead, perhaps even more. Take this morning. They are usually waiting for the tram, at the usual time, between 8.30 and 9.00. This is called rush hour, when they should spend so much public transport to be spread on the track, or asphalt. But, as usual, not my usual tram passes. There is no strike, there is no snow, no rain, no one threw himself under the tracks and the tram does not pass. There is also the insult dell'avveniristico billboard that alerts you to the minutes of waiting - 6 min, 4 min, 26 min (yes, this also happened) - so much envy that Roma in Milan. This morning marks the futuristic billboard does not even have to wait min. We are in a state of emergency.
decides to reschedule the course and take the metro to Famagusta. To get there I have to climb the 95 that ... but oh well that's another story. The 95, absurdly, arrive in a few minutes and I'm almost happy to Famagusta - it takes a little time to sti - who stamped my ticket and I imagine sitting at the desk finally on time.
I could not imagine, however, the rest of the story.
missed by two meters, the turnstile, just enough time to turn right and post the stairs, I see before me a horde of desperate poor people massed on the platform, and are so many who flock to the wharf on the same scale that I am going to down. He takes my anger with myself for having changed course, first, second ATM with the little man who could save me and inform me of a ticket frenzy.
Anger mounts and takes hold of me: I think how bad this city is reduced, the strike yesterday, the event on Saturday, to that of Thursday, the old curse on the tram that the immigrants for no reason, the indifference of everyone else, those with white headphones in your ears, withered to segretariette with pointy boots model El Charro (to wake up, are out of fashion mo) and bags of fake Louis Vuitton, bank officials to buy Available from Claudio, my newsagent - who then complains to me.
I think these and other things and I do not have time to think of others that at last there comes a train.
As expected assault on the part of the diligence as to the best western movies, but here, in Famagusta, the role of the Indian is portrayed very well by the crowd of civilized citizens of Milan.
What a beautiful word: civil . I read the definition on
Garzanti online: polite, courteous, decent: civil manners; civilized These days I often wonder if the crisis is just a hoax so I looked around carefully, I see people on the street, in shops, so buy buy no, and if so how much. Milan is the ideal city for this experiment, or yes? Maybe we should get out of downtown streets, where it seems that nothing is happening.
But maybe something happens and all the same, merchants, passers-by, sellers of roast chestnuts, high school students on leave are just pretending that nothing has changed. The impression is precisely that of a collective fiction that comes from the last hope that after the worst pass without doing too much damage. You will still be Christmas. There is a climate Waiting. As if it were to reach the end of something, but until then we live as if nothing had happened. It 's a way to exorcise the fear that no one wants to happen: change the standard of living you are used to, whatever, and certainly for the worse. Obviously not true for everyone, the rich and privileged are times of crisis flout, their goodness. But the others?
The others, apart from those who have already lost the job and that there had not before, try removing it. The crisis is a subject of dinner conversation: the bombardment of the press this has served to date. It speaks to minimize, remove fears, to find sympathetic nell'insulto powers that have dragged us edge of the abyss.
And so we are: on the edge, trying to look away from the ravine in which so many have fallen already, with the unspeakable fear of slipping inside, too.

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The hem

Laziness is a bad thing. I knew it. It has been two weeks (two?) Wrote the last post.
And we are always ready for a lot of excuses, life, work ... etc etc.
Here we are again.
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