Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Want To See Mysore Mallige Blue Film Online

I swear I'll stop after this post.
will follow the orders of His Nanita Silvio and I'll turn in less than no time in an incurable optimist.
That effort, however. Who can be optimistic sti times deserves a kiss on the forehead, perhaps even more. Take this morning. They are usually waiting for the tram, at the usual time, between 8.30 and 9.00. This is called rush hour, when they should spend so much public transport to be spread on the track, or asphalt. But, as usual, not my usual tram passes. There is no strike, there is no snow, no rain, no one threw himself under the tracks and the tram does not pass. There is also the insult dell'avveniristico billboard that alerts you to the minutes of waiting - 6 min, 4 min, 26 min (yes, this also happened) - so much envy that Roma in Milan. This morning marks the futuristic billboard does not even have to wait min. We are in a state of emergency.
decides to reschedule the course and take the metro to Famagusta. To get there I have to climb the 95 that ... but oh well that's another story. The 95, absurdly, arrive in a few minutes and I'm almost happy to Famagusta - it takes a little time to sti - who stamped my ticket and I imagine sitting at the desk finally on time.
I could not imagine, however, the rest of the story.
missed by two meters, the turnstile, just enough time to turn right and post the stairs, I see before me a horde of desperate poor people massed on the platform, and are so many who flock to the wharf on the same scale that I am going to down. He takes my anger with myself for having changed course, first, second ATM with the little man who could save me and inform me of a ticket frenzy.
Anger mounts and takes hold of me: I think how bad this city is reduced, the strike yesterday, the event on Saturday, to that of Thursday, the old curse on the tram that the immigrants for no reason, the indifference of everyone else, those with white headphones in your ears, withered to segretariette with pointy boots model El Charro (to wake up, are out of fashion mo) and bags of fake Louis Vuitton, bank officials to buy Available from Claudio, my newsagent - who then complains to me.
I think these and other things and I do not have time to think of others that at last there comes a train.
As expected assault on the part of the diligence as to the best western movies, but here, in Famagusta, the role of the Indian is portrayed very well by the crowd of civilized citizens of Milan.
What a beautiful word: civil . I read the definition on
Garzanti online: polite, courteous, decent: civil manners; civilized These days I often wonder if the crisis is just a hoax so I looked around carefully, I see people on the street, in shops, so buy buy no, and if so how much. Milan is the ideal city for this experiment, or yes? Maybe we should get out of downtown streets, where it seems that nothing is happening.
But maybe something happens and all the same, merchants, passers-by, sellers of roast chestnuts, high school students on leave are just pretending that nothing has changed. The impression is precisely that of a collective fiction that comes from the last hope that after the worst pass without doing too much damage. You will still be Christmas. There is a climate Waiting. As if it were to reach the end of something, but until then we live as if nothing had happened. It 's a way to exorcise the fear that no one wants to happen: change the standard of living you are used to, whatever, and certainly for the worse. Obviously not true for everyone, the rich and privileged are times of crisis flout, their goodness. But the others?
The others, apart from those who have already lost the job and that there had not before, try removing it. The crisis is a subject of dinner conversation: the bombardment of the press this has served to date. It speaks to minimize, remove fears, to find sympathetic nell'insulto powers that have dragged us edge of the abyss.
And so we are: on the edge, trying to look away from the ravine in which so many have fallen already, with the unspeakable fear of slipping inside, too.


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