Friday, October 22, 2010

What Does Early Hiv Rash Feels Like

DRM + Experimentation in Turin

The trial of DRM + in Turin it went well. The conference also took stock of emissions in DRM + VHF .

In this case we use the frequency 55.8 MHz, VHF band I, with a dozen w erp irradiated with an antenna ground plane from Torino Torre Bert. A car equipped led participants to take a tour city \u200b\u200bto show how the signal was received.

E 'coming of the first report of listening , signed by the Turin DXer Paolo Romani who has used the IF output of its AOR AR5000, sending a signal to the Perseus and using the software and Ratemonkey Sodira v0.85

Here are three photos of the day in Turin on field. The kind you see driving the car experimental Claudio Re, chief engineer of Radio Maria World Family. The images were kindly provided by Angelo Brunero DXer, who attended the event.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How To Fit Mondeo Brake Pads

Switzerland goodbye

On 3 December, at 2359 local time the Swiss will shut down permanently Sottens TX - Option Musique on 765 kHz medium wave. In

Andrea Stumpf site will be available the last "breath" of the transmitter, as was done for Monteceneri Beromünster 558 KHz and 531 KHz, they too retired.

Read the official press release

by Andrea Stumpf via PlayDx

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cubefield Start Level 4

Radio 10 Gold again on MW: 828 kHz

From the list of British DX Club:

Dutch oldies station Radio 10 Gold has returned to mediumwave as of 1625 UTC today
. The transmitter 828 kHz on HAD Been carrying an alternative service of Arrow Classic Rock. The station, owned by RTL since the start of this year, has mediumwave Several frequencies used in the past, most recently 1008 kHz, But Has Been broadcast on cable, internet, satellite and digitenne
only for the past three years. That Despi, it has maintained a market share of around 2.5 percent. (BDXC, Alan Pennington via Media Network)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Jeep Liberty 2010 Con Gnc

party testing of DRM +

Radio Maria begins first test drive in Italy

in Turin on the VHF bands I and II

Association of Radio Maria World Family of Radio Maria and Training Foundation have jointly sponsored a pool technician of experts to carry out, for the first time in Italy, in DRM + test drive.

DRM + is part of the transmission system DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), which uses frequencies in a range between 0.1 MHz and 174 MHz This innovative technology will provide better quality of the signal together with a simultaneous transmission of analogue and digital, with propagation characteristics that lend themselves to satisfy the needs of broadcasters in relation to their catchment area.

Pool members will ensure the availability of technology resources and professional knowledge sufficient to allow the tests for the duration of a year in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bTurin under a license issued by the Ministry of Economic Development Department
for Communications.

The trial will take place in conjunction with Band I and Band II (FM) in combined mode, through the structures set up along with the CSP innovation in ICT

primary objective is to verify the parameters of reliability, quality and multi-functionality of use DRM + system, with possible applications in areas where it already operates the international Network World Family of Radio Maria , present in 53 countries on five continents (

The frequency in bands I and 55.8 MHz from the transmitter Torino Torre Bert

A symposium dedicated to such testing will be held on 19-20-21 October 2010 , with guided tours of the radio stations and coverage analysis of the signal. The central day of Wednesday, October 20 will feature speeches and reports of those responsible for the promoters at the Hotel Victoria in Turin (Via Nino Costa 4, website: E 'provided only for that date, the participation of
professionals and media representatives who will be accredited by October 15.

Contact: Claudio King engineer reclaudio-(at)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

How To Make Naughty Birthday Cakes

The seven bases of Bausettete

walk with the reader, and I get ideas, not being an intellectual does not understand the point of view of the reader, but certainly be offended if you do not step to take. E 'which ultimately makes the pull pedantic, that as long as you were kicking at least defended the slashing of men of little faith. The reader is studying medicine, is one of those who will take oath hypocritical for the curia of care unsaid and not deceived, and without culture. She looks at me and said: "You know, I have all your books." I finally realized who I emptied the library. The player is a thief from latrine, clean, without ethics, and fortunately no propellers, so that it can catch and slander, the law of retaliation in concerns (in the sense that it is inspected several times) this hungry. And the law of the bass? Always treated us bad musicians!
After months, finally the process (avant-garde of ugliness). Riecheggian words, reforms and finally "The meeting broke up," so the jury can not sit down and give the verdict, and women waving their lipstick, to mock! I go to the player, completely satisfied, I'll be in the eyes. Who knows what will be smoked. Gives me more inspiration not the word, and speaks with gestures, his great friend. A bit damaged, the day after I go to class, I do not understand anything, but everything else is. Because I'm curious (for the curia backyard), I ask the professor: "In what way?" and he said: "Smell and taste, and I think the cafe. Sweet, arrives on the palate, awakening speech justifies the senses, grab the soul, the sleeping man, tormented minds, kissing on the mouth, reaches the heart, and you put it in your hand, feel a little strained. We form and gives form to a new day, running on the same axle. I end up dreaming and get a colleague who introduced me to a colleague that I've seen because it is connected to a friend. I introduce myself with making shrewd, until she herself is from another. Day to throw, but an environmentalist, then recycle it for weeks and weeks, until I get home from my epistolary novel, shoot them all with conviction, which recently issued a gun license and without a sea without ships. And who are without love and without bitterness? For this I take it around, though I chase until he decides to take a trip, that being very short, we can call it a tadpole in the hope that one day could jump from one fantasy to another, and so fun.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Scratch And Dent Dinning Table

Radio 3 has done 60 years

On October 1, Radio 3 has turned 60. Info Giornaleradio has dedicated an article that seems interesting, click to read (Reported on the group Radiorama)

Free Candida Royalle Lesbian Movies

The radio of the future: digital and see

Media changing

The 2011 should be the pivotal year in Italy. Emissions should take off in DAB + and DMB

digital radio tries again. After a failed first attempt, that of DAB in 90 years, operators are now trying to drop the winning ace. With new technologies: DAB + and DMB (digital multimedia broadcasting). What is proposed is a radio in some ways very different from the traditional one.

a radio "beam" as say his supporters. That travels on the Internet, listen to broadcasters across the world or to download the podcast of your favorite programs already aired. And that communicates wirelessly with your home PC to make us your favorite music. A radio also "color" with screens "touchscreeen 'touch them with your finger and put it into action. Other than the old radio Jealous tube, or transistor in which the father followed the soccer minute by minute.

everything nice in theory, but the game has several critical points. The first is the actual starting of another digital to terrestrial television. Is long overdue abandonment of the old analog TV to switch to the new system. When this happens, with the fateful "switch off" (off the old transmitters), the VHF frequencies, ranging between 174 and 240 MHz, band III, will be freed and will be occupied by the new radio, which joins the traditional Fm.

But for TV, there are technical problems . Where the television waves emitted from different transmitters meet, if they are not exactly synchronized knocked reception. Vision "fragmented" and elevated pressure of the viewer, are the consequences. Engineers are studying the question, among others. But the months passed and the radio operators who are waiting their turn are increasingly angry. The other problem is the radio. Needless to broadcast

amazing, if stores are not the receivers able to translate them into sounds to our ears. This has happened with the DAB (digital audio broadcast) and DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). To resolve the catch the 'Ard (Association for the digital broadcasting) has decided to seek help in the UK. The British are the most advanced in the industry. And here they found the hearing Pure, a company leader in the digital age. The Pure has agreed to provide nine of its radio models for the Italian market, which will arrive in the fall. A radio of this kind can receive both FM and digital, and in the larger models, you can connect wirelessly to the computer or the Internet.

also is working on the front of the radio : The objective is to have receivers depending on the area can "chase" the issuer is preferred that the digital FM. And in digital gather information on traffic and weather, perhaps to be transferred to the browser because the draw.

Until the tv moves and they get the "radios" 's Agcom , the Agency Telecommunications has prepared a regulation for access to new frequencies. It continues with the experimental programs in a few limited areas of the country. See the collaboration between two Rai Way and Coral- Aeranti (which combines local radio and TV stations) and are being held in Bologna and Venice. Participate in the Rai and 19 local radio stations in Emilia and 17 in Veneto. In Rome, RAI Way collaborates with major national broadcasters.

What are the advantages of digital radio? quality sound (like a compact disc), interactivity, more services, more content and multimedia. In addition it is hoped that they can also be tuned to different radio, or programs different from FM, to avoid duplication, and no one feels the need. It remains unknown: in this phase of crisis many individuals are willing to invest in new technologies outside of the richest? The risk is that it is raising an Italy with two speeds. Even in the ether.

Purchase Information

Q his is the birthplace of Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of radio, but the majority of Italians do not even know the difference between medium wave and short wave modulation frequency. How to talk to them about digital radio? And most importantly, how to understand who buys a radio that you buying? The question of whether the members are placed all'Ard (Association for the digital radio). They thought of as a certification that will accompany the radio which will be displayed in stores.
The certification will explain to consumers that the item you are buying a guaranteed minimum quality, which will receive all services available in digital format for that type of receiver, which the radio can also be used in Europe as a whole works well in other countries.
Certification Ard (Association for the digital radio) has three classes. Class A (white label), the radio only to listen to. Only receives digital audio formats DAB, DAB +, DMB sound. Class B (blue dot): the radio to watch. In addition to receiving the audio adds other features like the electronic program guide to read, the "slide show" or receive images and other visual functions always. Class C (green dot): the radio "to browse. It is the interactive radio, which also promises to be full of features manageable by the user and that should mark the beginning of a new era for radio, after those of valves and transistors. We'll see. And listen, of course.

Giampiero Bernardini, on Sept. 29, 2010 Future

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Honda Engine Buggy Plans

smile back with the iris

basic assumptions, and slowly, he takes another and make your party. To what destination will never be known, but the important thing is to be present (and after this final stage you feel it). See already run the educated athlete, what we say "Congratulations! I see you enough informed today. "The other day is the usual stupid, the usual mind that usually you down while you talk and repeats what is said. What say? Who does not sleep do not catch any fish? E 'wrong, and it is a curse.
shots that I speak with you to zero, and reload the magazine: you are a military failure, concedimelo. Go your way. You live under bridges, or sell the meat, but remember that you'll be in the balance between Pope and be executioner and if so it gives me so much, so much of so little remains that I feel cheated. I will stand and clothing to skin a cat who will make me company until it will not understand my intentions. I will walk back thinking of thinking about my steps to understand then that I turned round. In the center meeting the athlete cultured, wounded by my words, and looking forward so much that the patient can not be of any therapist. Now is a dog's life, so much so that scondisola with its grand piano, but the melody is a whine that gets into trouble. Better a bark than a blunder, even if this sound puts me in an uproar. Actually I want a smile that in my fiction, and I will entertain the dream sleep. Very sweet and well sweetened, it's his voice that escapes and releases ways, it propagates to the free room and moves the curtains or blinds to hit me, I do not think to hurt me. It 's a pleasure from my love to caress her, but its truth bitterness comes and brings me back to my truth without finesse. Are assonant assassination of the poet from the power of the command to be able to do something more. But was the eyebrows knit and read that rice taste, hilarious Ilaria less than that, poor thing, has nothing to do, not even the goal. And speaking of that, look, laugh, and immortalized by living with this picture.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lump On Scrotum And Bloody Stool

Athens 9.84 FM radio of the City

The Greek capital has the most successful European example of issuer

managed by the City

in an old gas factory on the way to Piraeus here studies of a station in the country in 1987 inaugurated the season of free radio.
And today it still provides valuable information

Two networks, one in greek, the other in 15 languages \u200b\u200b(and half an hour every day in Italian). The Athens Municipal Radio is the largest in Europe owned by a municipality, and has managed to survive despite the crisis in Greece. Of course, these days has suffered the closure of its international channel in FM, for political reasons (in Athens there are local elections) rather than a controversy about the frequency occupied by the multilingual station since the 2004 Olympics. But - if for the moment the international broadcasts should continue only on the Internet - the canal in Greek Athina 9.84 (sic) has retained its historic FM (on air on 98.3 MHz ed.). On the other hand, the station represents an important source of information for a city that contains almost half the population of the country.

In Gazi Technopolis cultural center - the old price of gas on the way to Piraeus, a short walk from Ceramics, one of the city's most important archaeological sites - the radio occupies the iron structure of an old gasworks. Thus studies and offices affected by the issuer of a typical circular pattern that leaves space in the center, a large auditorium, site of numerous events that radio works. There is also a historical collection on the Radio in Greece, where we learn that the first listeners - in the absence of a national station, founded in 1938 - followed by Italy programs.

is a first sign of a link with our country that has never been absent in the Greek world of radio. There are many programs for this conversation, commenting on city life and the whole country that make Athina 98.4 broadcaster primarily spoken. Keep the radio on, to hear, even in Athens ago part of everyday life so that the writer Petros Markaris could note that in the capital of Greece, "you might see anything. To be sure, however, you'll never be a taxi with the radio off. "

Radio City flared in 1987 when the City actually opened the era of free channels in Greece. First, rather than free radio, you had to talk about pirate radio, a phenomenon far from over in Greece. The foundation of the issuer - now entrusted to a company-owned town - the mayor's initiative was Miltiades Evert in the two years of his term, the idea was to provide the City a media-independent state radio. "The public media - said the current director Yannis Politis - backed by taxpayer money, they should offer a service to society, the private media, due to competition imposed by the market, can not easily produce."

Politically, the initiative had an impact, considering the balance period of Greece. But the radio also brought about an openness to the local FM radio (even commercial) that makes today's radio landscape greek very similar to Italian, except for this: the local radio. In Italy, in fact, the legislative decree 177/2005 prevent the public being entitled broadcasting concessions. The local radio in Athens, putting into practice in a middle ground between the national public broadcasting and private, has created more than a format that allowed new proposals: in 2004, the eve of the Olympics, a new network initiated Athens International Radio lingual program dedicated to tourists and foreign residents and the many Greeks who know a foreign language.

Athens becomes the only metropolis in the world to own a radio station which broadcasts in 14 languages: Arabic, Albanian, Rumanian, Polish, Russian, Tagalog, Bulgarian, Chinese ... Languages \u200b\u200bmore recent immigration and countries closer through which stress the universal value of the ideas that were from Athens widely used since ancient times. Now the silence imposed on the FM frequency is a sign of the difficulties of the moment. Protests were raised by many parties and also the Italian Ambassador expressed the hope of overcoming bureaucratic problems at the origin of the sudden closure.

Certainly not enough to go on the Internet. The FM is irreplaceable in the mind of the Greeks: during the military dictatorship (1967-1974) the international radio played an important role indeed in the information, BBC and Deutsche Welle found a large audience and even today the Greek editions of their news programs are retransmitted successfully by many local stations due to familiarity from the audience. Oriana Fallaci in his "The Man" recalls the attempt instead of Alexander Panagulis to "obtain from the Italian radio space necessary to provide a two-week schedule that was captured in Greece." He remained a dream.

Louis Cobisi - on the pages of Agora, September 26, 2010 Future


Multilingualism - The Attica speaks Italian

The Italians are about 10,000 living in Attica - says Tassos Mavris, curator of the Italian program - but 150,000 Greeks have graduated in Italy and half a million people attended at least one year for the University to you. " The Italian program of Athina 104.4 consists of a topical 30-minute drive (at 15.30 from Monday to Friday) with a weekly one-hour Sunday at 20. The program, also picked up by the World Wide Web Virtual Italradio (a system that offers international broadcasts on the Internet in our language), joins the program listings in other areas of the Italian: Albania, Serbia, Romania, Turkey. (L. Cob.)