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The radio of the future: digital and see

Media changing

The 2011 should be the pivotal year in Italy. Emissions should take off in DAB + and DMB

digital radio tries again. After a failed first attempt, that of DAB in 90 years, operators are now trying to drop the winning ace. With new technologies: DAB + and DMB (digital multimedia broadcasting). What is proposed is a radio in some ways very different from the traditional one.

a radio "beam" as say his supporters. That travels on the Internet, listen to broadcasters across the world or to download the podcast of your favorite programs already aired. And that communicates wirelessly with your home PC to make us your favorite music. A radio also "color" with screens "touchscreeen 'touch them with your finger and put it into action. Other than the old radio Jealous tube, or transistor in which the father followed the soccer minute by minute.

everything nice in theory, but the game has several critical points. The first is the actual starting of another digital to terrestrial television. Is long overdue abandonment of the old analog TV to switch to the new system. When this happens, with the fateful "switch off" (off the old transmitters), the VHF frequencies, ranging between 174 and 240 MHz, band III, will be freed and will be occupied by the new radio, which joins the traditional Fm.

But for TV, there are technical problems . Where the television waves emitted from different transmitters meet, if they are not exactly synchronized knocked reception. Vision "fragmented" and elevated pressure of the viewer, are the consequences. Engineers are studying the question, among others. But the months passed and the radio operators who are waiting their turn are increasingly angry. The other problem is the radio. Needless to broadcast

amazing, if stores are not the receivers able to translate them into sounds to our ears. This has happened with the DAB (digital audio broadcast) and DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale). To resolve the catch the 'Ard (Association for the digital broadcasting) has decided to seek help in the UK. The British are the most advanced in the industry. And here they found the hearing Pure, a company leader in the digital age. The Pure has agreed to provide nine of its radio models for the Italian market, which will arrive in the fall. A radio of this kind can receive both FM and digital, and in the larger models, you can connect wirelessly to the computer or the Internet.

also is working on the front of the radio : The objective is to have receivers depending on the area can "chase" the issuer is preferred that the digital FM. And in digital gather information on traffic and weather, perhaps to be transferred to the browser because the draw.

Until the tv moves and they get the "radios" 's Agcom , the Agency Telecommunications has prepared a regulation for access to new frequencies. It continues with the experimental programs in a few limited areas of the country. See the collaboration between two Rai Way and Coral- Aeranti (which combines local radio and TV stations) and are being held in Bologna and Venice. Participate in the Rai and 19 local radio stations in Emilia and 17 in Veneto. In Rome, RAI Way collaborates with major national broadcasters.

What are the advantages of digital radio? quality sound (like a compact disc), interactivity, more services, more content and multimedia. In addition it is hoped that they can also be tuned to different radio, or programs different from FM, to avoid duplication, and no one feels the need. It remains unknown: in this phase of crisis many individuals are willing to invest in new technologies outside of the richest? The risk is that it is raising an Italy with two speeds. Even in the ether.

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Q his is the birthplace of Guglielmo Marconi, the inventor of radio, but the majority of Italians do not even know the difference between medium wave and short wave modulation frequency. How to talk to them about digital radio? And most importantly, how to understand who buys a radio that you buying? The question of whether the members are placed all'Ard (Association for the digital radio). They thought of as a certification that will accompany the radio which will be displayed in stores.
The certification will explain to consumers that the item you are buying a guaranteed minimum quality, which will receive all services available in digital format for that type of receiver, which the radio can also be used in Europe as a whole works well in other countries.
Certification Ard (Association for the digital radio) has three classes. Class A (white label), the radio only to listen to. Only receives digital audio formats DAB, DAB +, DMB sound. Class B (blue dot): the radio to watch. In addition to receiving the audio adds other features like the electronic program guide to read, the "slide show" or receive images and other visual functions always. Class C (green dot): the radio "to browse. It is the interactive radio, which also promises to be full of features manageable by the user and that should mark the beginning of a new era for radio, after those of valves and transistors. We'll see. And listen, of course.

Giampiero Bernardini, on Sept. 29, 2010 Future


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