Monday, October 18, 2010

Jeep Liberty 2010 Con Gnc

party testing of DRM +

Radio Maria begins first test drive in Italy

in Turin on the VHF bands I and II

Association of Radio Maria World Family of Radio Maria and Training Foundation have jointly sponsored a pool technician of experts to carry out, for the first time in Italy, in DRM + test drive.

DRM + is part of the transmission system DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale), which uses frequencies in a range between 0.1 MHz and 174 MHz This innovative technology will provide better quality of the signal together with a simultaneous transmission of analogue and digital, with propagation characteristics that lend themselves to satisfy the needs of broadcasters in relation to their catchment area.

Pool members will ensure the availability of technology resources and professional knowledge sufficient to allow the tests for the duration of a year in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bTurin under a license issued by the Ministry of Economic Development Department
for Communications.

The trial will take place in conjunction with Band I and Band II (FM) in combined mode, through the structures set up along with the CSP innovation in ICT

primary objective is to verify the parameters of reliability, quality and multi-functionality of use DRM + system, with possible applications in areas where it already operates the international Network World Family of Radio Maria , present in 53 countries on five continents (

The frequency in bands I and 55.8 MHz from the transmitter Torino Torre Bert

A symposium dedicated to such testing will be held on 19-20-21 October 2010 , with guided tours of the radio stations and coverage analysis of the signal. The central day of Wednesday, October 20 will feature speeches and reports of those responsible for the promoters at the Hotel Victoria in Turin (Via Nino Costa 4, website: E 'provided only for that date, the participation of
professionals and media representatives who will be accredited by October 15.

Contact: Claudio King engineer reclaudio-(at)


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