Sunday, November 8, 2009

Pinewood Derby Tools Needed

Gulf War in the Caribbean?

What happens? The two Caribbean states Colombia and Venezuela are competing for supremacy in the Gulf for oil?
What are the consequences in Latin America? It seems that the Venezuelan government and we're arming the president has warned the armed forxa to be ready for war ..
It 'true that the world economy is moving through the construction and sale of weapons .. then from that point of view .. someone is getting rich. Maybe it always the U.S.?
This time there seems to be the hand of Israel ... among the most popular producers of weapons in the world .. maybe we saimo we Italians? third world producers?
Read and follow me on this Blog and / picalu

Monday, October 26, 2009

Florence Design Academy Blog


But where are the Doctor Martens finished my time averages?!?

Until last winter lay forgotten in a shoe.
I'm afraid that Mother has made them out ... I think I could get rid of her, after verifying the crime.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can I Run With Pain On Inside Of My Knee

Sheets ... From the website of the faculty

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Small Projector Screens

"Notice is hereby given that the decision of the Faculty of March 16, 2009 (appeal in November restricted to students) will not apply for a . a. 2009/2010 in view of the fact - Unclassified in CdF mentioned above - that a previous resolution of the CDF of 29 October 2008 ruled that the students of the old sort could take exams or proficiency testing until December 2009 (see website of the Faculty Faculty standards for transition to the new system - sector 'our news').

The appeal of November 2009/2010 is therefore open to undergraduates as well as to all students. The resolution of the Faculty of March 16, 2009 will be observed - as usual - the academic year 2010/2011, in which the appeal in November will be restricted to undergraduates. "

As few Words can change the mood in an instant.
knows me knows that I risk my degree really before the summer!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Acacia As Insecticide

The pins I have already recovered to the mother's jewelry, and turning an old button-jewel.
A black jacket, long, with lapels very very similar to these, she arrived home in the final period of the summer sales. E 'Benetton and cost me only five euro.
I'd like to recover a little bag with shoulder strap as well. For now I'll settle for a black shoulder bag Pinko all sequins.

Another idea put into practice!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Price Of Ambulance Ride In Singapore

ideas ...

am finally able to upload the image to a size that makes it "readable" ...

This look was love at first sight. Also because I could easily play it with what I have in the closet ... But I'm missing a belt, which should be nice, but fairly low-cost. Ideas?!?

Monday, September 28, 2009

What Type Of Legging For Cocktail Dress

It starts!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ankolysing Spondilitis Tnf Treattment

The second youth of the radio bands

television failed to obscure it. Internet either. Despite the facile prophets of doom, Guglielmo Marconi's invention not only survived the media competition, but he knows a new youth. A half as old, as able to innovate. And in its shade thrive amateurs. Those fans who imagine themselves in too many of the talkers, idlers, attached to a microphone. Refused on the computer, maybe eccentric inventor and his hair tousled by crazy. Wrong. Radio amateurs, in the jargon Om, old English man, are quite different. And most often people of culture, on the front edge of technology. Indeed help to develop it

"For the most part people are curious, who likes to try - said Claudio Re, engineer, director (technical) networks of Radio Maria in the world, amateur radio callsign i1rfq, owner of innovative Sistel -. Communication is a corollary. It is not an end in itself. The curiosity then moved into work. Indeed, it impels to do certain jobs. Where there is a real amateur. An example? NASA. " No coincidence that Paolo Nespoli, Italian astronaut, under ESA, European Space Agency , flown with the shuttle to the International Space Station, is one of the group, iz0jpa. It is no coincidence that up on the space station, there are radio operating on amateur frequencies of 144 and 432 MHz So in late October Nespoli was connected with some schools and universities. Listening to the conversation, the students of other schools scattered throughout Italy. So many questions. There has been talk of
astronautics, physics, astronomy, but also of peace and culture.

The link between education and passion is running out. "For young people a passion for radio is often a stimulus for further investigation in science and technology - noted Michele D'Amico, iz2eas, associate professor at Politecnico di Milano, a professor and expert on electromagnetic fields, among other things radarmeteorology -. The boy is pushed to the groped DIY receivers to antennas. The practice led him to investigate the theory. Learn to test his knowledge and his ideas. It stimulates creativity. " And this is becoming increasingly important in a time when enrollments in science, and engineering continue to fall. It saves only engineering management, related more to corporate management, not research.

As the words of Professor D'Amico are true it shows the story of Nico Palermo , iv3nwv. At 11 he was playing with the radio. Twenty years later, after having worked in Trieste and Engineering at Siemens, he built his first radio. And after working in the biomedical field, now has his own company and built the Perseus , receiver characteristics and high, it seems incredible, inexpensive.

And here comes the fun part. Italy, thanks to an ingenious group of radio amateurs, has returned to the forefront in this field of telecommunications. The technology is that of ' Sdr , software defined radio. A term that denotes a radio without valves or transistors, knobs, buttons and tuners. A little box, value less than one thousand euro, which is connected to a computer that exploits the potential of this to offer performance comparable or superior to traditional radio, receivers or transmitters, worth € 10 thousand or more. The Japanese have fallen behind. The comparison it is only with the Americans, but they seem to lose ground. In Italy there are already several companies working in the field. As the Elad, or Microtelecom Nico Palermo. Or the King Claudius, who developed the very Italian CIAOradio H101, and will soon present the more innovative H102.

This race is linked to the development of increasingly sophisticated software, they see on the front line still Radiomir other Italians, as Oscar Steil, ik1xpv and Albert Well, I2PHD, who now enjoy an international reputation. The thing has not gone unnoticed in companies that count in the world, Germany's Rohde & Schwarz , the Ferrari of the radio, started to produce specialized ones SDR receivers to civilian and military applications. A cost, however inaccessible.

But everything goes in a study. Italian Amateur Radio Association is convinced. "Teachers" Om "are many - said Nicola Sanna , i0nsy, president and director Ari Radio Magazine - Two years ago we signed an agreement in Rome to enter the schools, from elementary to universities. The project, known as "Radio in school, liked it so much that they're taking in Slovenia and Romania. And they are affecting the United States. "

"The radio between banks lends itself to interdisciplinary work and for students is very exciting," says Fabio Tagetti , professor of English at the Institute of Legnago Silva and expert in area of \u200b\u200bthe Ministry of Education. To his credit also has a book, "Learning English with radio, television and the Internet", published by The Rostrum. "The design of the air - again - on one hand language and cultural purposes, on the other lends itself to the study of physics, computer science and technology, even in its most advanced sectors, such as" digital convergence ", those that are changing the media world. Or help to study meteorology, weather reading a fax received by ether. Finally, he taught to be open to the world and "understand" the news, comparing, for example, the news in the Italian RAI, Radio Vaticana ,
China Radio International, Radio Romania International and others. "

studying and experiencing some might even be a Nobel Prize. As the amateur, an expert in communications extreme (even using the lunar reflections) and astrophysicist Joseph H. Taylor Jr., K1JT, which has received recognition in 1993 for the discovery of a new type of pulsar.

(Published Future , 16/11/2007)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Internal Error Doujinshi


domestic stations on the tropical bands are endangered. In 10 years do not hear anymore. The states, data in hand, Anker Petersen, known DXeditor the fortnightly electronic DX-Window, the Danish Shortwave Club International. Petersen years is continuously monitoring the portion of short waves between 2300 and 5800 kHz. The study shows that in 1973 the radio home were 1106, whereas now they are active 235. The only country that is resisting and Papua New Guinea were 17 are now 15. In the rest of the world are put to flight by the advance of the medium wave and FM.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can You Get Thrush From Fingering?

The lament of the foreskin (pages 1-156)

I Incipio three days ago, this book by Shalom Auslander (yes, a jew, I love the Jewish writers).
And, as often happens to Jewish writers, is terribly angry with his God
He tells me of his childhood in a Jewish family difficult, kosher very marrow.
A family - and God - from which it seeks by all means to distance themselves, albeit buried under tons of ways of guilt. And so the young Shalom swallowed a cheeseburger and milkshake from McDonald's: the ultimate not kosher. Guilt here is the true protagonist of the novel. At least until page 156.
frankly I expected more fun. In short, I was expecting a novel à la Barney, for instance, and I'm a bit disappointed.

reading situation. In
tram. The lady sitting next to my greenhouse in the hands of her purse Grandma Duck, were to steal it, her handbag. No line in the ears on the Horizon, U2. In the face of a girl with a briefcase, "University of Milan, Form abandonment of studies." Well, spring and another who is preparing for a future as a tissue (or home). In meters. Type in a Hawaiian shirt and notes Magnificent for a moment I pretend to be in the tube in New York. But it's just a moment.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Waxing My Boobies Picyures

Radio Pirate radio from extinction, the book

And 'The second edition of the book dedicated to Andrea Borgnino pirate radio. Here is the press release: The spread

Rock'n'Roll in Europe began in the early sixties on board the ship that housed Radio Caroline , historical pirate broadcaster who first faced the icy waters of the North to send free music and messages of peace. These pages tells of those brave men and DJs who financed and invented the world of pirate broadcasters forever revolutionizing the world of radio in Europe. Today they are still active hundreds of illegal stations that defy the laws of the ether. Behind every radio, the story of conductors who build antennas and transmitters to send signals via radio of freedom, a practice that combines music and communication allowing the birth of new languages.

Title: Pirate Radio. Rock, freedom, transgression and new languages \u200b\u200b radio. The extraordinary business buccaneers ether
Author: Andrea Borgnino - Price: € 14.90 - Editor: Paul Persians Publisher

can be purchased online at

or on

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ambulance For Dialysis

from black to white

Six months of vacation from the blogosphere, chebbello potersele take.
And how nice to replace the color of mourning to that of light.
I was there anyway.
crouching in the bushes of the various social networks. It 'a lot of stuff happened, until you get to the page on Rep today, paid by ordinary citizens who met on FB to claim freedom of the press.
It also happens that line now uses either Rai3 Night Twitter and YouTube.

Ntldr Missing On A Mac

And Back ...

After 6 months ... Not a bad break.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mount Blade Demo For Mace

Napoleon Hill and Will Smith on the Power of Positive Thinking

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Can A Tootache Make Ear Hurt?

The fund to support the Guarani-Kaiowá

The situation of today Kaiowá is appalling. Their lands were destroyed, their leaders are killed and their children die of hunger. However, communities do not want money and wealth, and do not aspire to receive food rations from the government. All I ask is only enough land to live and regain control of their lives and their future.

At the launch of the film The land of the red men - Birdwatchers , Survival International has established a special fund in their name. Every euro raised will help Guarani Kaiowá to defend their human rights, to regain their ancestral lands, to restore their gardens.

Help them! The situation is very serious, but their fate is sealed.

Donations can be made online by credit card by filling out the following pages in their entirety.

For other methods of offline payment - bank transfer, bank or postal account -, click here.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

How To Write Marriage Statement

Andy Chaikin's Blog

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Service Hours For College

But where is the truth? We are always at the mercy of politics?

Monday, May 4, 2009

How Do You Send A Fax From Uk To Malaysia

And if the flu was just a hype?

E 'for some time that I try to understand where is the error, the rip-off ... the story did not convince me, that of the viral epidemic ... masks the door is not hardly anyone here in the state of Quintana Roo .. the dead are not there. And the Mexican holiday on the beaches of the Riviera Maya (Cancun to Tulum, the famous town at the center of Playa del Carmen) in this hellish months there were in abundance and many just from DF (Mexico City Districto Federal). And the masks that were donated to certain countries such as China and Mexico? Never arrived. There are rumors, but in Europe I received from various sources, the doubts about the real potential of the H1N1 virus to become a pandemic ... but rather will be a "diversion" skillfully built by Mexican President Calderon with the United States for the sale of Pemex oil company flag.

Unbelievable? True? False?
The thing that still catches the eye and then my brain then asks, is: why stop international flights only on May 5 and not in red alarm declared by WHO? Why?

News of Pemex transferred does not appear anywhere .. not talk about it officially, as it was obvious. E ', the Senate approved in a hurry to have the bill passed in parliament last October for entry to foreign capital into the airline that is for Mexicans a symbol of democracy and freedom.
The beautiful ... is that now the influence killer, not to start any longer believe.
Read the text of these blogg er and ponder ...

Mexican President Felipe Calderon has now clearly and candidly admitted last week in Los Angeles:

The ability of Mexico to produce oil is declining because our reserves are low. Probably will last only another 9 years .

Mexico has (had) a lot of oil: it is the third country to export oil in the U.S. (after Canada and Venezuela), and 40% of revenue originated in the Mexican state oil.

The cow juice is called Pemex, the national carrier state that extracts crude oil from the Gulf of Mexico. Indeed, it has long been rumored that a depletion of reserves Mexicans, especially Cantarell field which is the third of the world for size.

We are accustomed to seeing the oil countries, especially those with state-owned companies, flatly denying any production difficulties and problems of reservations. Why Mexico is an exception, and announces oil depletion urbi et orbi even to the mouth of its president? I think more than usual mischievous paw of U.S. companies : Calderon has in fact suggested to ask for help with the most advanced extraction technologies, making it possible to make better use of what remains in the wells. Behind this statement apparently soft, our readers is the first step towards the privatization of Pemex and its sale to foreign companies, with the President accomplice. Giving away a symbol of the nation, a true flag of Mexico, and its main source of income is really unthinkable happen for real?
The Mexican government sells off the Pemex

in a building armored and protected by the military, the Mexican Senate approved the "reform" of the oil industry that paves the way for the privatization of the public company Pemex, nationalized seventy years ago with a popular fundraising

On 24 October, the Mexican Senate, barricaded in a tower in 1200 reinforced and protected by federal police in riot session, approved with only 10 votes against the package of seven laws that allow the entry of private capital in Petroleos Mexicanos - Pemex, the historic public oil company in the country. The vote took place miles away from the seat of parliament besieged for days by protesters demanding the resignation of the government energy reform. The
Pemex does not represent only 40 percent of the tax revenue of the country, but part of the collective identity of Mexico. Nationalized by President Lazaro Cardenas in 1938, to redeem the then government launched a kind of popular shareholding asking the population to collaborate with their [few] have pointed to the company. Since then, Pemex has saved the Mexican economy from the brink of bankruptcy several times, and always in the hearts of Mexicans has become one of the foundations on which democracy and independence. The reform launched in recent days put an end to many of the restrictions on foreign invested enterprise, the company provides for a system of operation [no longer subject to the state] and allows for the grant to third parties for the activities of oil fields investigation, extraction and transportation of hydrocarbons. According to the Center for Studies on Public Finance of Mexico, Pemex reform will result in the medium and long term, a vertical drop in federal tax revenues which make inevitable the use of deep cuts in public spending. Right on Pemex and the oil of the Gulf of Mexico had played the fate of the 2006 elections. During the election campaign Felipe Calderon promised to the people and especially to the United States an energy reform that rejuvenate the market and encourage foreign investment to renovate the outdated national oil infrastructure. No mention of the economic burden that the revenue budget of Pemex of Mexico, nor to the risks that the economy would run if he could no longer rely on the profits of oil.
against the reform have moved a number of the opposition, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, but also a popular movement across, numerous, met in the Movement in Defense of Oil. Despite the mounting protests and demonstrations in defense of Pemex and also through a campaign of relentless and biased information in favor of reform, in October, the government decided to close ranks, legitimizing the intervention of the armed forces but to approve the reform in the short term.
During the voting, in the presence of the armed forces, voted for the ruling parties and Pri Pan, the green ecology but also the majority of the opposition party, the Party of the Revolution Demacratica, disregarding the instructions of the leader Lopez Obrador. Even the last fragile barrier interposed by Obrador reform - limiting the possibility of allowing whole blocks to foreign companies for exploration or exploitation activities - has been rejected by parliament. After approval in the Senate came close around the approval of the Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, which took place without discussion in the classroom and in less than 5 hours.
For many, the haste with which you are approving the oil industry reform is a clear sign of the will to get the approval of the package of laws from the time the numerous demonstrations convened this week in defense of Pemex. Events, however, widely acknowledged, that threaten to block the country to defend national interests against those, more powerful and intrusive, the foreign oil companies that already knocking at the door.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ati Radeon 9000u Driver Indir

Swine flu-Why the panic is unfounded

When generating errors
E 'possible, today, a repetition of-influenza pandemic that killed millions of people as the 'English' in 1918? In reality, panic is not justified in this respect: the epidemiological surveillance systems, which are activated throughout the world, are much more sophisticated than ever before and the preventive measures and more effective diagnosis. Then there are drugs and vaccines: anti-virals, discovered in recent years, work.
This time is the science that should be heard. In order not to risk another "fiasco" like the Ford administration, which, before the panic of a new 'English', had been vaccinated in 1976, 40 million Americans against the flu. Unnecessarily, because the epidemic is not has never occurred. These days the new virus from Mexico (and similar to that which had spread to America under President Gerald Ford), is affecting the world. Experts, however, had expected: the great changes of influenza viruses, those causing major outbreaks (pandemics) occur just over forty years (the English in 1918, the end of the Asian fifties), today, however, reassured the Organization of Health, a hypothetical pandemic can be avoided. The modern viruses do fly and that's why they spread so quickly.
But the epidemiological surveillance systems, which are activated throughout the world, are much more sophisticated than in the past: they are able to monitor the situation and suggest preventive measures. Just think of what has been implemented with SARS and avian flu: a sort of "dress rehearsal" which demonstrated the validity of international collaboration in addressing the emergency. The virus is new, it is true, but geneticists are already reading its genetic code. This means you can have rapid tests to diagnose correctly the cases of infection. And then there are drugs and vaccines. Antivirals, which have been discovered in recent years, work against these new agents of infection. And virologists have already identified the "Heart" of the virus, the party against whom the vaccine should be directed. If a problem exists is precisely that of virus variability: usually these microorganisms are rapidly changing their "clothing" and to escape detection systems in the body. That's why the vaccine should be targeted as much as possible to the "unchangeable." But even here in biotechnology have made great strides. Do not panic, therefore, and an appeal to the population, as the Lancet: Who has the usual flu symptoms to distance themselves from others and implements a form of "self-isolation." It may seem trivial, but it works.

Adriana Bazzi

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Witch Of Blackbird Pond Movie Release Date

remains out of work: it sets fire to the Capitol

remains out of work: it sets fire to the Capitol

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public housing, those that fall apart and flooded all the time. A small remote past and a present from robberies honest worker, who did not have the money to raise her son. Vincenzo Cesaretti, 39, was fired six months ago from a bakery and had discovered Tuesday that he would not have been entitled to unemployment benefits because the employer had not paid contributions. Yesterday he wanted to forget everything, but talk about himself. So shortly after the 9 turned into a human torch in front of Piazza del Campidoglio. But the suicide attempt failed thanks to an agent, who spoke before the fire consumed it.
An hour earlier, leaving his home in Ponte di Nona, she met a friend. "I asked him where he was going - he says the man -. He did not answer and pulled straight. "
Vincent came to the Capitol, including the colonnade entry Sixtus IV, the one used by municipal employees to enter the building. Then it was sprinkled with flammable liquid and set himself on fire. A rescue was a policeman on duty for the visit of the Royal Family of Sweden.
The agent took off his jacket and threw the man to extinguish the flames, aided by some employees of the City. "I'm desperate," he confessed in a low voice to the rescuers. "I'm an unemployed, mine was on a show," he later confirmed the physicians of Eugene, where he was hospitalized with second and third degree burns on 20 percent of the body.
'He started crying - he told his partner Paola -. He told me he had to do it, because nobody was listening and giving him responses to his request for unemployment. He had worked three years in a cooperative. In October, had been fired by mid-January and you do not know how many times he went to INPS, to inquire about unemployment. They kept repeating that she knew nothing, to be seen more in there. " "Two days ago - concluded the woman - the Director of INPS has received and explained that the cooperative had only paid pension contributions, but not for the subsidy. "
"What happened does not leave us indifferent - says the provincial councilor at Work Massimiliano Emery -. Verify rigorously involving the former employer and we will be alongside Vincenzo and his family, to explore possible solutions that can give them hope for the future. "
Yesterday afternoon, a dozen members of the Coordination of national struggle for housing has protested outside the Capitol to express solidarity with Cesaretti putting up a sign: "Win: Roma's on you. Home, income, dignity. " "We're talking about a person who wakes up every night at 3 am to go to deliver the bread - he says Danilo, a friend of his -. When, for health problems, asked to be moved from night shift to any other service, was fired. It is not right. It is a hard worker, a person devoted to family, a good man. "

But they are not the only ...
The self-employed ... if there is no "market" does not earn one euro, while they must still pay taxes, INPS, rights to Consob, the Chamber of Commerce, etc.. etc. ..
Who thinks of them? (Us?)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pain In Last Drop Of Urine


Add yet another notiziaccia on world stock markets.
continues to insist on good-and rightly-that invest in shares, bonds, derivatives in (madness!) Is "betting" on hot air!
I had 20 years of paying dues to the bank and 5 from financial advisor and I finally realized that it is all a " BET . If the securities
BOND , considered "safe" and "not risky" offer a rate slightly aligned to the inflation rate, although some were hiding something. Either the state or the offeree company has sufficient liquidity / credibility, or the title is somehow tied to a EXCHANGE RISK or R ISCHIO COUNTRY . Remember the much-acclaimed
banks Bond Argentina,? Remember the 21% coupon bonds of the City of Prague "? But surely there are more experienced players than me who can name a galore of catch.
The problem is, and remains, in the wrongness of financial instruments invented and exported without any antidote to our financial system as " DERIVATIVES . These, together with the massive campaign of banks and governments of indebtedness the population, to ensure that collapses the "system". Inflated budgets, onerous taxes, investment by large companies made with virtual money of banks, massive indebtedness of the population through personal loans, mortgages (subprime ) and debit cards revolving line of credit have also completed the "bets" made on everything.

What to do? Meanwhile
you "turn" the analysis made by slavishly Websim to make you penetrate your skin to "invest your money in the stock market has = to lose sooner or later!.
Today brick while it is undergoing a severe crisis due to the massive issuance of mortgages to purchase homes that have scrambled in the last 8 years and ballooned prices. But this does not happen in economies that have had the foresight not to grant credit and which are based primarily on actual values. The Mexico is among them. Brazil has an estimated increase even more, as there is a strong increase built in Asia and Africa! but mind you ... .. the higher the income the higher also the RISK!
So YES to invest in brick , BUT IN COUNTRIES WITH LOW RISK.

traumatic day for financial markets, with European stock exchanges that yield more than 3 percentage points. We make the point about the framework of the main indices:

1) Bags Europe. This morning, Frankfurt, Paris and Madrid have scored new lows of 2009. The indices are returned to the levels of 2003/2004. Similar situation London moves to a point from their lows in October 2008.

2) Milan Stock Exchange. Piazza Affari is made much worse than other European stock exchanges, including the massive presence in its index of financial stocks (banks and insurance) sector's worst year to date. -4% This morning with the NASDAQ is returned to the levels of May 1997. The following graph Eurostoxx 50 (top 50 European blue chips):


3) Bags Eastern Europe. Most of the indices (Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic) is back on the levels of 2003/2004, while Russia has gained 33% from the lows of October 2008. The problem in these markets is above another, the local currency. All local currencies crashed in the wake of the financial crisis. They range from -23% against the euro czech crown, to -50% of the Polish Szloty to -55% of the ruble. If you then add the exchange rate effect, the loss of value of the Stock Exchange is much heavier.

4) U.S. stocks. Dow Jones and S & P 500 touched new lows since 1997, the Friday and make good company the Milan Stock Exchange, the Nasdaq is still moving only slightly above the minimum in 2008, one reason probably lies in the scarcity of financial stocks. Below the S & P500:


5) Bags Asia. The general scenario is for now better than in Europe and the USA. If we exclude Tokyo, all the indexes are well above the minimum in 2008. Stands the case of Chinese stock market from the lows of October 2008 has recovered 36% from 1 January 2009 and earns 20%. In Tokyo the Nikkei clings to a handful of points (four to be exact) to the media in mid-October. The problem is that their failure would set the bag on the levels of Japan early 80s. Here is the Chinese stock market:


6) Bags South America. The lion's share is doing in Brazil, about 30 percentage points above the minimum 2008. Here, even the local currency, the real, on our side in the sense that it was revalued by about 8 points against the euro since the beginning of year and therefore add to the positive performance year to date. The graph below is on the Bovespa in Brazil:


In summary, if we take stock, we can say that the storm is hitting the last few months in particular lists of Europe and the United States and this is grounded in the big scary credit crisis. At the other extreme are the stock markets of China and Brazil where it appears (the conditional is a must) and a minimum of optimism after the tsunami generated by the crack of Lehman Brothers is slowly returning.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Labelled Diagram Of The Nail

It's easy to "nationalized

" Every hundred years we must nationalize the banks. " Remained muted Alan Greenspan, former Fed chairman, reveals his recipe for fighting the crisis.

From the U.S. nationalization of the hypothesis is attracting more and more supporters and appears closer. The flag of Obama may soon fly on Citigroup and Bank of America.

The hypothesis of nationalization would not be painless for the market. In a study UBS tries to trace the consequences of such an operation.

Analysts of Swiss bank business institutions fall into three categories analyzed. Those with a Core Tier 1 (index measuring the soundness of banks) over 8% should have no need of State support. Banks with a Core Tier 1 between the 4 and 8% that will have to resort to various government programs: issuance of bonds, state guarantees, accepting even stricter rules. Finally, the list drawn up by UBS institutions are located with a Core Tier 1 under 4%: for them the only solution is nationalization.

The reason is very simple: the collapse of markets and the economic crisis could lead to major write-downs and banks with a Tier 1 low risk of losses greater than its assets. Until now, says the report, the abolition of the accounting standard IAS 29 has led to not devalue the portfolio holdings by limiting the damage. The continued decline of the markets, however, now in danger of limiting the beneficial effects. The nationalization would be the only solution. "But not always - the analysts add - good solutions for the system are also shareholders."

1998 The case of Japan shows. Even then, the crisis was marked by a sharp credit crunch, by the bursting of a housing bubble and deflation lasted for years with rates at historic lows. The government, to save the financial system, was forced to nationalize the two banks in crisis, CPTA and NCB. The rules of the process were clear: zero total value of the shares which by law passed under state control, devaluation of 25% of the titles of privilege, refund bond.

That is the real reason why, since in America and in Europe has come to talk of nationalization, the banks have collapsed. Shareholders fear that the state expropriations at ridiculous prices of their securities. And UBS warned that if the United States to proceed with the nationalization of the zero value of the shares, the day after banks in Europe would be overwhelmed by sales. The Board, therefore, is to act in a coordinated manner between different countries, but quickly, otherwise more see the action more markets will suffer the uncertainty of the intervention.

Analysts of Swiss bank drew up a list of titles Europe will have nothing to fear, including: Oxford Dictionary, HSBC, Scotiabank and TD Bank Itau unlikely any nationalization. The other Italian banks are not cited by UBS, but all have a Core Tier 1 over 4%.

morning even Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has made it clear that "the nationalization of banks in Italy is in no conceivable way that the banking system is very solid, we are a nation of savers and banks do not have the adventure course the toxic assets. "

The Prime Minister added that the government has made available 10 billion to 12 billion "to increase the capital base of banks," but "at present no Italian bank has felt necessitated to use such sums."

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What Does Chalice Mean


The financial system creaks and Eastern Europe international banks in the area are facing a situation increasingly critical. The fall in oil prices also shakes Russia, last week Prime Minister Vladimir Putin put his signature to a second package of assistance to the banking system from 1,000 billion rubles (46.7 billion euro), but the money coming in do not seem to be able to ease tensions.

Tonight, the number one association of regional banks of Russia, Anatoly Aksakov, told reporters that the banks will ask the government to support negotiations in Moscow Intavolata to have a moratorium on loans to European banks. At stake are € 135 billion of debt maturing in 2009 and € 400 million within 5 years.

The statement shook financial markets this morning and forced the finance minister, Alexei Kudrin, to disprove.

The events of the morning are the latest signals a worsening of the area and have a new warning to Unicredit. For the bank headed by Alessandro Profumo is the one on Russia, 69% of total loans at the end of the group in September 2008. The deposits come to 7.3 billion euro, 1, 1% of the total value of the group.

An analyst who preferred anonymity is expected to raise UniCredit's prudent provisions related to the area from Eastern Europe bringing to 2.00 / 2.50 percent of total loans. In Italy, the risk management shall establish a provision of around 0.8 to 1.0 per cent to total loans.

Across the area the scenario is becoming increasingly murky. The flight of foreign capital, the same people who fueled the robust growth in the last decade, has grounded the ruble (-35% against the euro over the past four months). The descent of the currency is stifling families in recent years have debt in euro to take advantage of the favorable differential between the rates of interest. As a result, banks are facing the danger of a dramatic increase in customers will not be able to pay the mortgage payments denominated in euro.

They are the best companies in the past decade have linked hands and feet to Germany and now in heavily affected by the recession the first European economy.

Unicredito can not afford to sit back and watch what happens in Central and Eastern Europe. The posts of the group in the area at the end of September amounted to 88.4 billion euro in Poland is the largest share (21.7 billion euro), Russia is in second place with € 10.6 billion and below us are Croatia (8.1 billion), the Czech Republic (6.7 billion) and Ukraine (4.5 billion). Are also included in the Asian countries of the former Soviet Union, those who are suffering the hardest blows of the crisis and the falling price of oil.

Kazakhstan (4.25 billion euro of loans) is one of them, Unicredit entered the country in June 2007 noting ATF Bank, the fourth local bank at which time the outlook was rosy and spend € 1.7 billion, about 30 times earnings, seemed a deliberate choice. A year and a half later the situation has reversed, last week the government in Astana, the currency has devalued by 18% and had previously nationalized two of the first banks in the country.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Big Boobs And High Hells

Unicredit Bank: it was not that we could count on?

Slogan's all.
Unicredit: You can count on! Moving
easy ... It is not her "man Unicredit?
Unicredit's commitment and our signatures ... ..

I was an employee of Unicredit (formerly Credit Italian) for 20 years making them an official. I was part of their network of financial advisors in UnicreditSim. I have a house that is worth three times the loan they gave me.
I requested funding to begin a safe and profitable activities (tobacco and salt), because in Italy there is no work and we can even die over 50 ...
They kept me hanging there for over a month and a half, citing excuses such as "request for clarification" ... the rocks have been overcome (met their initial requests).
Unicredit, has not officially had the "courage" to tell me who gave up funding. It was parried behind the words spoken on the phone from the officer .. which was able to say "sorry" ...

Dear Minister Brunetta, she who is so "careful" to innovation and so "diligent" ... why not put in the pillory comportamentei these banks?
Miserable moneylenders now we also have "saved" from bankruptcy. If they make me ... These big banks ... to disburse money. Is not it their job? They give money only to those who want them, those who have it and then make the filth of subprime, we trimmed them deep down in mutual funds and then they collapse the economy ... Lead us to spend the first to take loans, revolving credit, personal credit ... spend .. spend .. indebitarte the people .. Then, when you really would rebuild the country through the provision of credit to rehabilitate the economy, to sap the entrepreneurs who create jobs and wealth ... Puff! if they make him.

Unicredit Thanks to exist! I do not know how I'd do without you ...
Dear Minister: so, Italy is the end of Titanic.
Greetings! Now I'm headed your ... I emigrated!
Roberto Pino