Friday, January 30, 2009

How Soon After Waxing Can You Shower

Patrick, we love you ...

And Want to remember you like this!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Matures 50 Years In Panties

E 'panic?

Three weeks of fire, after a brief prologue illusion of three sessions, and 2009 of the Milan Stock Exchange has already scored a drop of 10%.

The gravity of the situation is confirmed by the fact that as early as 2008 ended with a loss of 50% and all they wished at least one "ripresina. Instead, today the Mibtel index fell back to levels not touched since July 1997, when still in our pockets jingled the old lira.

No rebound then, no desire to buy shares at a price rates. But what kind of discount you can talk, because if a large part of the strategy describes the prospects for equity markets with nothing short of apocalyptic tone?

And paradoxically, it matters little that many of them still bear the crumpled jacket to those financial institutions that have joint responsibility for the current disaster. One wonders: but they could not tell us these things first, when the pot was boiling a concoction made from mysterious ingredients that only they were well known?

Now everybody down to pontificate that the worst is behind us, that's not it sell more cars, the houses, as finite, will remain empty for decades, while unfinished, will stay there in half the undying memory of the crash of 2008 ... hopefully it will not be deleted dall'imperitura memory of the crash of 2009.

The market is rightly confused, as are the public authorities and entrepreneurs. Only a year ago, the projected data managers until the cows so great was the visibility on the bright future of the world. Now, when you challenge the impossible, go to confirm that the next day will be sitting at their desks.

Today we live in a world that can not be certain about the future and unfortunately for those who invest in the stock market is the worst. Anyone can hold everything and its opposite. If a bank announces a hole, someone can always say that the hole was bigger. For this reason, each has its market price of reasonableness: whether the failure is Fiat is "zero", if Fiat will become one of the leading global car industry, including 5 years could be worth € 50.

were much more beautiful times of certainty, for example when we ran last summer to buy oil at $ 145 a barrel because it is intended to reach "certainly" a $ 200 per barrel by the end of 2008. Today, six months later, is $ 42 per barrel.

Never mind, we are all confident that we will return to $ 200 sooner or later, just wait. The only problem is that we do not know where to park the barrels.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Zabrze Dominik Kaczmarczyk

If you look at me ... I FEEL YOU deafness, frustrations, emotions, hopes

If you look at me I FEEL YOU

Loris Facchinetti

In compliance with the resolution of the European Union, the French are already putting the sign language programs in elementary school. But only if the school is fully open, the deaf child will be given an opportunity to communicate with the world in a holistic way. And in this, Italy may be an advanced country. You dream of Ida Collu, President of The National Deaf.

 Ida Collu, president of the National Deaf

is an unexplored continent, separate, different, an archipelago of indefinite sparse and where people communicate in strange languages \u200b\u200bwithout signs, expressions, gestures and symbols. It is a planet inhabited by men, women and children who smile, cry, suffer, rejoice as all as all love and dream, but unlike all of us can not hear. They are the "deaf". No noise. Not a sound, a hiss, a whisper. Not a buzz, a murmur softly, singing away, a merry laugh, a chirp of cicada. No ticking rain and crashing surf or the roar of thunder. Never sweet words of love, cries of children, cries of pain. Not a rustle of leaves, a whistling wind, a cry, a melody, a music.

No voice to whisper, to shout, to invoke, to pray. Never a voice to call to try to speak. Never has the sound of "your" name. Never has the magic of "his" name. Never. Silence more than in the inaccessible heights of a Tibetan monastery, rather than between the mystical shadows of an ancient enclosure, more than in the desert between the worn stones of a hidden retreat in solitude or boundless ocean. No noise, no 'echo. Silence.

is the home of the deaf community. Thoughts, images, feelings, fears and seek paths impossible to turn into words and sounds. Impulses, dreams and desires are extinguished before knocking the hearts and minds of the "other", the company held on the threshold of the word, halting the invisible boundary that separates the sound from silence.

But it is also a world where every vibration, every beat, every little nuance, every slight shudder of the soul become a language full and intense, broad and deep, unique and essential as the lifeblood that feeds and nourishes life. Communicate. Communicating with "deaf" masters of the word, the rulers of the sounds, builders of society noise, indifferent protagonists of a civilization that produces exclusions and creates exclusion, is the drama and the desire of the millennium "silent community ".......

Another dimension that often do not understand. I have the honor to present this beautiful article that describes the world of the deaf. To read the full article, click on the title link

Why Do I Get A Mustache When Pregnant

The caravan is ... controcorènte

Prologue. Saturday, January 10 at the headquarters of PNA Milan held a meeting organized by a small group of members of the PD - Teresa Cardona, a constituent of the national PD; Joseph Civati \u200b\u200b, regional councilor of the Democratic Party in Lombardy, Michele Dalai, publisher , Francesco Laforgia, constituent of the Lombardy Regional PD, Pierfrancesco Majorino, leader of the PD to the City of Milan, Marella Reitan, constituent of the Lombardy Regional PD, and Ivan Scalfarotto - unusual title: "A caravan for PD Part of the resurgence of Contemporary .
Commendable initiative, except that the caravan traveling in a desert that can not be more than that. place to chat with mammaincorriera , the best possible description of the event.

Smatsmat (hereafter S.): Saturday I went to the caravan
did not call because I did not want to insist

Mammaincorriera (below MIC), Ah, what happened?
S: see crap I left disgusted
MiC: I wanted to come
S: I know
MiC: disgusted but then ... why?
S: mah Scalfarotto

good intentions so the party sucks
we get to work for ...

are here to work with, and now the word to you and talk

a coordinator of a cycle PD (Marconi)
saying the same things
then adds that a recent graduate who must nominate the prox European young people (like him)
then two from Genoa (?)
then the new national coordinator (Laforgia)
MiC: and ...?
S: and nothing
MiC: ah
S: thanks for coming
the PD there
MiC: cool
S: as long as there is you
MiC: so many people?
S: Although there are no leaders suck
, max 100
ah, dalai michele
cool as an exponent of civil society pussy
that it begins by saying
(pious soul)
you know, those of the PD always call me at election time, because they think that someone who is the publisher attracts votes
summary was missing four months with elections and
are there looking for someone who attacchinaggio and help them to do their leafleting for
you will always have each other
and make lists with the same if the same
MiC: ahahahaha
S: point.

excuse the length but now I know I'll be sinteticissima
I route them coioni
MiC: LOL I had guessed

S: This chat becomes a post

MiC know this: I do not doubt even for a moment
S: yes , but no change
a comma if I authorize the praivASI
MiC: no prob
of praivasi
fuck me (and it's not that I said crabs)
S: I put as much, mica
maximum mammaincorriera
MiC: the fact that I did not say anything practically does not change

this is just semantics?
MiC: no, life is

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Red Oxide Primer Formula

One of my favorite songs by Faber.
Love for love.
I can not explain what I feel, listening to it now.

not explain it.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Madden 08 Edit Uniforms

Altroconsumo ... News No DL on November 29, 2008 185

Nell 'latest issue of Money & Dirittti Altroconsumo ( there is a hot item Interestingly the last move of the government in favor of borrowers, there is an article on pg. 8 entitled "E 'come a little help" that reinforces all my doubts about the maneuver.
We read for example on the Decree "Crisis" (November 29, 2008 185 DL) in all the newspapers there was talk of a cap of 4%. But it is precisely the case. In fact, the government decree has established that, for those with adjustable rate mortgage, the rate that the borrower remains in charge is the highest between 4% and the rate determined at the time when it is contracted. This means that all citizens are left with a rate above 4% will hardly benefit from this measure: for the simple reason that the rates of the market today tend to be those with a bassi.Solo spread could earn particularly high. "So in a nutshell, those who had signed the initial rate to less than 4% just to enjoy this benefit at 4% which was reported in newspapers.
Continue on to say that the benefit to those who paved the mortgage by reference to the year 2003/2006 will be a maximum of 39 €, inter alia by the State. The ECB rate prescribed which index to new home loans, asked to be careful. Yes, it will be a little ' more stable ... but the banks will adjust the minimum income with a greater spread.
ends the article is however looking forward to increased competition among banks, real stimulus to the reduction in costs of a mortgage ... and the Government what does it do?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oxford Knee Score Trends

the polemic against the sites of the mafia does not change the attitude of arrogant Facebook

Mafiosi on Facebook, the controversy explodes on the Web
The Mafia comes to Facebook, and only after some time triggered the controversy. Totò Riina, Bernardo Provenzano and other shady characters, who caused a scandal in the pages of crime in past years, become "idols" of those who attended the most popular social network Web

E 'little more than a month that the phenomenon of "famous criminals" has taken hold on Facebook, join us and takes very little. In fact you can run into these groups are not only trying, but just a friend who has registered or is a fan of the page in question and then wrote it appear on their bulletin board. Then just click on the link and you're done. Fortunately, there is a procedure that allows you to report to the Facebook page offensive or provocative in any case is still worrying that anyone can create pages glorifying crime.

But what's really behind these groups? Stupidity, recklessness, or some sort of direction that moves the wires using the Internet to a dreary task of "marketing"? He is currently a mystery, the fact is that the figure is alarming, the subscribers in the thousands, and even more is to be none so far have bothered to remove these pages from the web.

Fortunately not all of the network is "running", and after the birth of these groups in favor of "evil" were born and many other community to combat the phenomenon. There is in fact who aims to collect 100,000 signatures to send a message to the Chairman of the Anti-Mafia Pisanu, or those who write in large letters "We the Mafia is disgusting." But the latest raids on Facebook are a new communication strategy of the Cosa Nostra? What is the real border between those who became a friend of Riina and other designers on the net? Despite all the Palermo Public Prosecutor's Office has not opened any investigation appeared on the profiles on the social network made payable to various alleged Mafia bosses or groups of fans. Judicial sources have also revealed that the state's "do not constitute crime reports." Rita Borsellino

also intervened in the controversy raised about the presence of groups within the social network in support of Mafia bosses and said: "The Facebook tool is useful and important addition to modern. Likely that someone was trying to take advantage of it for other purposes and would use this medium for his own use and consumption. One might be tempted to say I pull out of the social network and I'm in October. But no: you must occupy to ensure that those who have bad intentions There is no room and is forced to confront those who uses it properly.

As for the management of the social network that stops at the breast of a nursing mother and not in front of groups that praise people who have taken a wicked, killed and dismembered carnage, this by 'thinking. But - he added - must push those who put in proper use to say I'm in at least control it and use it well as does the vast majority of people, to oust such situations. It 's a bit like when I was told to leave via D'Amelio after the massacre, I have not done it is they who have to go and not us "

Monday, January 5, 2009

I Need Free Jesse Jane Movies

Petitions and signatures collecting. Here you can create or sign a petition

Petitions and signatures collecting. Here you can create or sign a petition

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Examples Of 4856 Counseling On Dui

Mazzolari Faber: The perfumery

Is there a place in Milan where I always go when I'm sad or depressed. It 's the Mazzolari perfumery, in Corso Monforte, corner San Babila. The
Mazzolari up to me as Tiffany's Holly Golightly.
A glass door separates the world ugly and bad from the realm of fairy tales.
Inside the air smells of all the flavors: the staircase down to the basement that shines with light and color and, again, perfumes. Cyprus, Chanel No. 5, of creams for every age and type of woman.
The atmosphere around me, warm and inviting. I feel better already, and only half of the scale.
Once the plan usually begins to look around in wonder, perfumery Mazzolari has everything it takes to make you feel like a princess. Arricciaciglia're looking for? There. The hair dye? There. The false-lash mascara by Yves Saint Laurent. Here it is. The crème raffirmissante, anti-aging, Moisturizing, anti-rides, hydrotenseur, de jour, de nuit, the contour des yeux? Voilà.
In the realm of beauty everything is immutable, eternal. Pencils never change places. And even the hairpins. Everything in its place, where I left it last time.
been around for reassurance I have decided to spend more than I should (or could) and committed the kind they already understand. That's one of them quickly I came up with a broad smile, saying "How can I help you, ma'am?".
And I can not resist the inviting offers of help, I melt, I get the legs of pudding and the princess in me is revealed. The contract flatters "What we have for this beautiful cream lady?" and offers me the most expensive, and I yield, the price does not matter anymore. Can you give me what he wants. The princess loves the adulation.
So. The sadness of the empty wallet vanishes and I do not care anymore. And then
. I love the lady committed with the white helmet and red sandals. I always try to make me serve her, at the cost of long waits, never boring the rest.
Once it happened to me that the woman who preceded me at the cash should sign an allowance of 800 euros for their purchases. It happens only in perfumery

What Is Better Lic Or Ppf?



I have found that the social networking site Facebook which is so fashionable, a group hailing "No, the mafia on facebook" and I was curious about going to see what it was. Unfortunately, and it is truly amazing, there are pages in praise of a mafia boss with a lot of comments . UNA VERA SCHIFEZZA che non si può tollerare neanche nel nome della LIBERTA' o della DEMOCRAZIA. QUI SIAMO TUTTI IMPAZZITI. 
QUINDI ho scritto a facebook ( e attendo risposta ) questa lettera in inglese (semmai facessero i finti tonti):
You must forgive me for using this means to talk to someone 
"who counts" at facebook but me and a lot of facebookians are extremely angry with you!
By no means, we accept that may exist "facebook fan pages" 
about MAFIA people as "Totò Riina" and others signaled to you I do not even know! but the pages are still there. What are you waiting for?? This is an extreme offense to good and honest people and I believe it should be shared by you putting more attention to what goes on in your Social network. I pretend , in the name of millions of honest people that don't even know how to contact you, that you immediately forbide and turn off those immoral pages that have been signaled. If you do not do so, we all will write about your awfull behaviour to the world through Internet and by other means. 
Please act now and Vigilate more!

ma FACEBOOK pare fregarsene delle segnalazioni come la mia, e le pagine restano lì, per la gioia di quei delinquentelli che credono al male e non si rendono conto che sono solo cretini... da quanto si sappia, la polizia già sta indagando su di loro! 

Io intanto I ask "BOYCOTT FACEBOOK
Until you will not remove 'PAGES TO glorifying mafia boss, IN THE NAME OF OUR FREEDOM,' MORAL VALUES THAT YET, despite everything, we have never lost.
Mafia That's going to praise those who think the bar and not on a
Social Network!
Please also write you a letter claiming
to Facebook!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Horse Car In Melbourne

From Ethics bank, a teaching

studies on happiness

reveal the mechanisms leading to scandals and financial crises.

After the collapse of Enron and that of Parmalat, in the middle of the global financial crisis comes the big scam Madoff: $ 50 billion up in smoke at stake on 5 percent of assets managed in Europe by the funds of funds hedge.Vale worth remembering once again what we're going wrong and how economists (not as a research frontier, but as a culture economic base). According to the standard approach the market and prices that reflect the choices of millions of savers, are able to collect all available information and therefore to accurately assess the value of financial assets. But the market fails because of imperfect information (and it is entirely reasonable and theoretically demonstrated by Grossman and Stiglitz that, if the information costs in terms of money or time, it is impossible that all investors have the same information in equilibrium). In this context, financial institutions should create and enforce the rules in the best position to motivate economic agents to behave in a way contrary to the collective. The history of finance in recent years has shown that this approach, the best of possible approaches has major flaws. Why? The fundamental error in that part of economic science has now recognized, but not

yet entered fully into the culture of joint economic, anthropological foundations is that the economic man is wrong. The problem is usually that of functional specialization and excessive incapacity to open the economy to the knowledge of other social sciences. For the traditional economic vulgata, in a man's world economic institutions and virtuous growth of remuneration of managers can attract the best talent and the regulators are able to control the self-interest of the latter is harnessed by a system of effective sanctions behavior in a socially harmful. The mechanism does not really work. Recent studies on happiness (see the review of the work of Frei and Stutzer the leading business magazine, the Journal of Economic Literature and the subsequent empirical work of Fererr-i-Carbonell, Frijters and myself) have highlighted an important psychological effect the relationship between money and happiness: money causes "addiction", that triggers a

to run between achievements and new expectations that drives people to desire more and more (technically lagged changes in income determine which offset the negative effects on happiness in large part of the positive ones made at the time when the first occurred). This would explain why in many biographies, as well as that of Madoff, we discover early virtuous and ability to create economic and social value to the community, followed by less than noble end. The principle of addiction and the resulting consequences would question another assumption taken for granted by economists. We must pay very good people who occupy important posts to avoid being tempted by corruption in order to "round up" their income. The results of studies on happiness and that of psychology teach us that if you actually paid a little too well, so that the possibility of further increases in revenue becomes difficult to remain objective in the sphere of lawful behavior, the risk is serious to an uncontrollable spiral of catching up between expectations and the new realizzazion

, resulting in research to achieve the latter through unlawful conduct. This gives new light and shows the rationality profound of a fundamental principle in finance and ethics in screening for socially responsible funds. Put a cap on the relationship between managers' salaries and the last official of the structure is not dictated by a principle harassment sadism penitential but, more simply, a rule of common sense to avoid the dynamics illustrated. Once again the principles of socially responsible rating show their good sense and their ability to better prevent financial risks that these rating agencies, regulators and the vast majority of traditional investors (who can not grasp the basic principle of finance for which high returns are accompanied by increasingly high risk) do not seem able to report prevent and catch.

Leonardo Becchetti

Professor of Economics - University of Tor Vergata and president of the Ethics Committee of Banca Etica

Archive Editorials

Choke Thighheadscissor

"The fortune-tellers predict that the economy will be a terrible year and, given what we take, this is the only hint of optimism."
(Gramellini Massimo, La Stampa yesterday)