Monday, January 12, 2009

Zabrze Dominik Kaczmarczyk

If you look at me ... I FEEL YOU deafness, frustrations, emotions, hopes

If you look at me I FEEL YOU

Loris Facchinetti

In compliance with the resolution of the European Union, the French are already putting the sign language programs in elementary school. But only if the school is fully open, the deaf child will be given an opportunity to communicate with the world in a holistic way. And in this, Italy may be an advanced country. You dream of Ida Collu, President of The National Deaf.

 Ida Collu, president of the National Deaf

is an unexplored continent, separate, different, an archipelago of indefinite sparse and where people communicate in strange languages \u200b\u200bwithout signs, expressions, gestures and symbols. It is a planet inhabited by men, women and children who smile, cry, suffer, rejoice as all as all love and dream, but unlike all of us can not hear. They are the "deaf". No noise. Not a sound, a hiss, a whisper. Not a buzz, a murmur softly, singing away, a merry laugh, a chirp of cicada. No ticking rain and crashing surf or the roar of thunder. Never sweet words of love, cries of children, cries of pain. Not a rustle of leaves, a whistling wind, a cry, a melody, a music.

No voice to whisper, to shout, to invoke, to pray. Never a voice to call to try to speak. Never has the sound of "your" name. Never has the magic of "his" name. Never. Silence more than in the inaccessible heights of a Tibetan monastery, rather than between the mystical shadows of an ancient enclosure, more than in the desert between the worn stones of a hidden retreat in solitude or boundless ocean. No noise, no 'echo. Silence.

is the home of the deaf community. Thoughts, images, feelings, fears and seek paths impossible to turn into words and sounds. Impulses, dreams and desires are extinguished before knocking the hearts and minds of the "other", the company held on the threshold of the word, halting the invisible boundary that separates the sound from silence.

But it is also a world where every vibration, every beat, every little nuance, every slight shudder of the soul become a language full and intense, broad and deep, unique and essential as the lifeblood that feeds and nourishes life. Communicate. Communicating with "deaf" masters of the word, the rulers of the sounds, builders of society noise, indifferent protagonists of a civilization that produces exclusions and creates exclusion, is the drama and the desire of the millennium "silent community ".......

Another dimension that often do not understand. I have the honor to present this beautiful article that describes the world of the deaf. To read the full article, click on the title link


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