Monday, January 12, 2009

Why Do I Get A Mustache When Pregnant

The caravan is ... controcorènte

Prologue. Saturday, January 10 at the headquarters of PNA Milan held a meeting organized by a small group of members of the PD - Teresa Cardona, a constituent of the national PD; Joseph Civati \u200b\u200b, regional councilor of the Democratic Party in Lombardy, Michele Dalai, publisher , Francesco Laforgia, constituent of the Lombardy Regional PD, Pierfrancesco Majorino, leader of the PD to the City of Milan, Marella Reitan, constituent of the Lombardy Regional PD, and Ivan Scalfarotto - unusual title: "A caravan for PD Part of the resurgence of Contemporary .
Commendable initiative, except that the caravan traveling in a desert that can not be more than that. place to chat with mammaincorriera , the best possible description of the event.

Smatsmat (hereafter S.): Saturday I went to the caravan
did not call because I did not want to insist

Mammaincorriera (below MIC), Ah, what happened?
S: see crap I left disgusted
MiC: I wanted to come
S: I know
MiC: disgusted but then ... why?
S: mah Scalfarotto

good intentions so the party sucks
we get to work for ...

are here to work with, and now the word to you and talk

a coordinator of a cycle PD (Marconi)
saying the same things
then adds that a recent graduate who must nominate the prox European young people (like him)
then two from Genoa (?)
then the new national coordinator (Laforgia)
MiC: and ...?
S: and nothing
MiC: ah
S: thanks for coming
the PD there
MiC: cool
S: as long as there is you
MiC: so many people?
S: Although there are no leaders suck
, max 100
ah, dalai michele
cool as an exponent of civil society pussy
that it begins by saying
(pious soul)
you know, those of the PD always call me at election time, because they think that someone who is the publisher attracts votes
summary was missing four months with elections and
are there looking for someone who attacchinaggio and help them to do their leafleting for
you will always have each other
and make lists with the same if the same
MiC: ahahahaha
S: point.

excuse the length but now I know I'll be sinteticissima
I route them coioni
MiC: LOL I had guessed

S: This chat becomes a post

MiC know this: I do not doubt even for a moment
S: yes , but no change
a comma if I authorize the praivASI
MiC: no prob
of praivasi
fuck me (and it's not that I said crabs)
S: I put as much, mica
maximum mammaincorriera
MiC: the fact that I did not say anything practically does not change

this is just semantics?
MiC: no, life is


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