Saturday, January 10, 2009

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Altroconsumo ... News No DL on November 29, 2008 185

Nell 'latest issue of Money & Dirittti Altroconsumo ( there is a hot item Interestingly the last move of the government in favor of borrowers, there is an article on pg. 8 entitled "E 'come a little help" that reinforces all my doubts about the maneuver.
We read for example on the Decree "Crisis" (November 29, 2008 185 DL) in all the newspapers there was talk of a cap of 4%. But it is precisely the case. In fact, the government decree has established that, for those with adjustable rate mortgage, the rate that the borrower remains in charge is the highest between 4% and the rate determined at the time when it is contracted. This means that all citizens are left with a rate above 4% will hardly benefit from this measure: for the simple reason that the rates of the market today tend to be those with a bassi.Solo spread could earn particularly high. "So in a nutshell, those who had signed the initial rate to less than 4% just to enjoy this benefit at 4% which was reported in newspapers.
Continue on to say that the benefit to those who paved the mortgage by reference to the year 2003/2006 will be a maximum of 39 €, inter alia by the State. The ECB rate prescribed which index to new home loans, asked to be careful. Yes, it will be a little ' more stable ... but the banks will adjust the minimum income with a greater spread.
ends the article is however looking forward to increased competition among banks, real stimulus to the reduction in costs of a mortgage ... and the Government what does it do?


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