Wednesday, January 7, 2009

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the polemic against the sites of the mafia does not change the attitude of arrogant Facebook

Mafiosi on Facebook, the controversy explodes on the Web
The Mafia comes to Facebook, and only after some time triggered the controversy. Totò Riina, Bernardo Provenzano and other shady characters, who caused a scandal in the pages of crime in past years, become "idols" of those who attended the most popular social network Web

E 'little more than a month that the phenomenon of "famous criminals" has taken hold on Facebook, join us and takes very little. In fact you can run into these groups are not only trying, but just a friend who has registered or is a fan of the page in question and then wrote it appear on their bulletin board. Then just click on the link and you're done. Fortunately, there is a procedure that allows you to report to the Facebook page offensive or provocative in any case is still worrying that anyone can create pages glorifying crime.

But what's really behind these groups? Stupidity, recklessness, or some sort of direction that moves the wires using the Internet to a dreary task of "marketing"? He is currently a mystery, the fact is that the figure is alarming, the subscribers in the thousands, and even more is to be none so far have bothered to remove these pages from the web.

Fortunately not all of the network is "running", and after the birth of these groups in favor of "evil" were born and many other community to combat the phenomenon. There is in fact who aims to collect 100,000 signatures to send a message to the Chairman of the Anti-Mafia Pisanu, or those who write in large letters "We the Mafia is disgusting." But the latest raids on Facebook are a new communication strategy of the Cosa Nostra? What is the real border between those who became a friend of Riina and other designers on the net? Despite all the Palermo Public Prosecutor's Office has not opened any investigation appeared on the profiles on the social network made payable to various alleged Mafia bosses or groups of fans. Judicial sources have also revealed that the state's "do not constitute crime reports." Rita Borsellino

also intervened in the controversy raised about the presence of groups within the social network in support of Mafia bosses and said: "The Facebook tool is useful and important addition to modern. Likely that someone was trying to take advantage of it for other purposes and would use this medium for his own use and consumption. One might be tempted to say I pull out of the social network and I'm in October. But no: you must occupy to ensure that those who have bad intentions There is no room and is forced to confront those who uses it properly.

As for the management of the social network that stops at the breast of a nursing mother and not in front of groups that praise people who have taken a wicked, killed and dismembered carnage, this by 'thinking. But - he added - must push those who put in proper use to say I'm in at least control it and use it well as does the vast majority of people, to oust such situations. It 's a bit like when I was told to leave via D'Amelio after the massacre, I have not done it is they who have to go and not us "


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