Saturday, January 3, 2009

What Is Better Lic Or Ppf?



I have found that the social networking site Facebook which is so fashionable, a group hailing "No, the mafia on facebook" and I was curious about going to see what it was. Unfortunately, and it is truly amazing, there are pages in praise of a mafia boss with a lot of comments . UNA VERA SCHIFEZZA che non si può tollerare neanche nel nome della LIBERTA' o della DEMOCRAZIA. QUI SIAMO TUTTI IMPAZZITI. 
QUINDI ho scritto a facebook ( e attendo risposta ) questa lettera in inglese (semmai facessero i finti tonti):
You must forgive me for using this means to talk to someone 
"who counts" at facebook but me and a lot of facebookians are extremely angry with you!
By no means, we accept that may exist "facebook fan pages" 
about MAFIA people as "Totò Riina" and others signaled to you I do not even know! but the pages are still there. What are you waiting for?? This is an extreme offense to good and honest people and I believe it should be shared by you putting more attention to what goes on in your Social network. I pretend , in the name of millions of honest people that don't even know how to contact you, that you immediately forbide and turn off those immoral pages that have been signaled. If you do not do so, we all will write about your awfull behaviour to the world through Internet and by other means. 
Please act now and Vigilate more!

ma FACEBOOK pare fregarsene delle segnalazioni come la mia, e le pagine restano lì, per la gioia di quei delinquentelli che credono al male e non si rendono conto che sono solo cretini... da quanto si sappia, la polizia già sta indagando su di loro! 

Io intanto I ask "BOYCOTT FACEBOOK
Until you will not remove 'PAGES TO glorifying mafia boss, IN THE NAME OF OUR FREEDOM,' MORAL VALUES THAT YET, despite everything, we have never lost.
Mafia That's going to praise those who think the bar and not on a
Social Network!
Please also write you a letter claiming
to Facebook!


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